Wounds From The Past: Don’t Let Them Affect You

Wounds from the past are perhaps the ones that most prevent us from living fully in the present and being truly happy. We must therefore learn to turn the page.

Life is made up of cycles of ups and downs. It is as if we are living on a whimsical roller coaster that, without logic, takes us to the top and, one day later, to the bottom. We cannot choose how others treat us. In social interactions, conflicts and injuries inevitably arise. However, it is in our hands not to let the hurts of the past affect us.

In this article, we offer you some thoughts on overcoming entrenched trauma. Indeed, the path in this life is individual and it is in ourselves that we will find the solutions. We need to learn to release the past and ease our emotional burden. Maybe it’s time to heal the wounds of the past forever and be happy.

Get to know you

We cannot take medicine if we do not know about the disease beforehand. We need to be aware of the things that make us unhappy. You must therefore try to identify the hurts of the past which prevent you from following the path normally.

To do this, we must be courageous and face our fears, traumas and weaknesses.

We need to know our pain. Look it in the face so as not to oversize it. Accept that there is nothing you can do to go back in time and turn the page. Having a critical and objective view of ourselves will help us in reality.

In addition, we must keep in mind that pain tends to increase over time in our memory.

heal the wounds of the past

Experience is the best teacher

While it may sound ironic or even offensive, the hurts of the past can help us move forward. No one was born educated. Certain painful situations can make us stronger and more courageous. Therefore, the idea is to try to change the focus of our pain, until we can assimilate it and take advantage of adversity.

Experience shapes us as people. It shapes our personality. It lets us know what we want and what we don’t want. In this way, step by step, there is a lesson in every journey that we can learn from life.

Thus, the routine itself becomes a gym full of effort, sweat and strength in the face of difficulties.

Emotional intelligence

Why are we able to cry from time to time because of the same hurt from the past? The key is that we need to develop our emotional intelligence. Learn to see things from a perspective, and most importantly, learn to forgive. For others and for yourselves.

With emotional intelligence, we discover how to deal with emotions. Indeed, we learn to overcome obstacles in our thoughts and feelings. The monsters within only feed on us if we feed them. Don’t let them go.

Don’t let the negative thinking run wild and hurt you inside. In short, try to control your emotions and don’t let a memory of pain come over you, and take precedence over your current happiness.

A new term for combating injury: resilience

Resilience is defined as the ability of people to overcome traumatic or adverse situations. Individually or collectively, facing an injury from the past is a formidable challenge.

The inner struggle with pain is an exercise in intelligence, honesty, self-improvement, and resignation in situations that we cannot change. However, in order to move forward, we must stop feeling self-pity, make things less important, and learn to follow our path.

Resentment is a corpse that’s hard to bury

Living with the feeling that someone owes us only makes things worse. Resentment prevents us from being free from the past. It’s like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. The emotional burden of past mistakes, whether yours or those of others, only consumes us from within.

We must be courageous, quench our thirst for revenge, and calmly bring peace and balance to our lives. The act of forgiving is not easy, but it does release a lot of frustrations. Release a blockage, a ball of resentment that prevents the full healing of your past wounds.

advice against past wounds

Tips for overcoming the wounds of the past

  • Exercise when bad thoughts happen, as it helps to expend energy and channel them
  • Learn to live with healthy joy
  • Don’t be afraid to meet new people
  • Sign up for classes and constructive activities
  • Discover new skills and talents hidden within yourself
  • Develop your creativity
  • Try to help others in a selfless way
  • Try to eat a balanced diet

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