Why Consume Eggs Regularly?

Although we have always been told that eating eggs increases cholesterol, this claim is false. In addition, eggs provide us with animal protein, just like meat and fish.

Eggs are some of the most nutritious foods we have. They are rich in protein, good fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. These are also foods that are easy to cook and generally appeal to everyone.

We will explain below what its virtues consist of, which prove to us that consuming eggs is much better than what we want us to believe.

What do eggs give us?

The egg is a concentrate of very interesting nutrients.

  • It is very rich in high organic quality protein. This means that it contains all the essential amino acids in ideal amounts for our body.
  • The egg also contains vitamins of group B (B1, B3, B12, folic acids and biotin), A, E and D.
  • It also contains minerals like selenium, zinc, phosphorus or iron.

The majority of the egg’s components are found in the yolk. Egg white, however, contains almost all of the protein.


Health benefits

  • Thanks to its components and especially its protein content, the egg is ideal for athletes, pregnant women and children.
  • Its high content of B vitamins helps us obtain energy. To balance the nervous system and improve brain function. 
  • Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium. Avoid bone diseases like osteoporosis, too.
  • The egg is ideal for cases of anemia, thanks to its supply of iron and other minerals.
  • It is also an essential food during the stages of recovery and convalescence.  It is indeed very nutritious and does not give digestive problems.
  • Selenium and zinc make it highly antioxidant.  It therefore fights against the aging of cells.
  • The lutein found in the egg also helps prevent visual disturbances caused by aging, such as macular degeneration or cataracts.
  • It is possible to prepare moisturizing skin and hair masks with raw egg by mixing it with ingredients like olive or almond oil, oats or brewer’s yeast. These masks are particularly recommended for dry skin and damaged hair or with split ends.

How many eggs can you eat per day?

A few years ago, people began to say that you shouldn’t eat more than three eggs per week, otherwise you could significantly increase your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

However, this statement has gradually lost its value as it has been shown that what causes the increase in these levels is rather the consumption of trans fatty acids, combined with other foods, or even the suffering from continuous stressful situations.

We can eat eggs almost every day, depending on our state of health and remembering to mix them with fruits and vegetables. The egg is indeed an animal protein, so there is no need to add meat or fish to a dish cooked with this ingredient.

In addition, if we want to lose weight, or if we need to reduce triglycerides, it is better to avoid consuming them fried, for dessert or with a sauce etc.

It is also possible to alternate between chicken eggs and quail eggs.eggs

How to cook it?

The egg offers us a lot of culinary possibilities:

  • On the dish : preferably in olive oil with a little garlic and sea salt.
  • Cooked : it is best to cook it for less than a minute and then leave it in the water until it becomes lukewarm, or cook it again, turning off as soon as the water boils again. These methods attenuate the sulfur which gives it a bad odor or makes it appear gray to yellow.
  • Soft- boiled: the egg should be cooked briefly and immediately put in water to stop the cooking so that the egg remains semi-cooked. This cooking is ideal to enjoy it with mouillettes.
  • Scrambled : pan-fried like a fried egg but stirring with a wooden spoon. This recipe is delicious with tender garlic, shrimp, mushrooms or cheese.
  • Tortilla : The tortilla is prepared by beating the eggs and frying them in the pan. It can be made with potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, peas etc.

It should also not be forgotten that many recipes contain egg such as mayonnaise, donuts, cakes, meringues etc.

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