Why Can’t You Get Rid Of Your Cellulite?

If your cellulite removal treatment is not working, it is most likely because you are making mistakes in your diet and consuming products that are preventing you from reaching your goal.

You’ve probably tried many remedies to get rid of your cellulite already and you haven’t. This despite your efforts and your sacrifices. And all the money you spent on products specially designed to help you reach your goal.

We will give you below the possible causes that prevent your cellulite treatments from working. You may be able to achieve your goal and finally lose your orange peel.

Eliminate cellulite in a personalized way

All cellulite is not the same and is therefore not eliminated in the same way. What works well for one woman may not work at all for another.

This is why it is important to know the different factors that influence your cellulite, in order to obtain good results, without unnecessary sacrifices.

Although we could say that leading a healthy lifestyle will always help us reduce our cellulite, knowing the concrete cause of this phenomenon will allow us to achieve it faster.

Watch your salt intake

Excessive salt consumption causes many problems in our body, both in terms of our health and our physical appearance.

Salt, and especially the so-called table salt, increases water retention and worsens cellulite, which makes it all the more difficult to eliminate.

You might not add a lot of salt to your meals, but you should take into account that it lurks in ready meals, pizzas, cheese, cold cuts, dried fruits, etc.

Minimize these products in your diet and add only small amounts of sea salt in your homemade preparations.

Eat adequately

One of the main causes of cellulite is diet. In addition to salt, which is a decisive factor as we have just seen, you should know all the foods that negatively influence the appearance of cellulite.

  • Refined flours: always choose whole grains and flours, rich in fiber and many other nutrients.
  • White sugar: Eliminate it completely from your diet and replace it with small amounts of bee honey, brown cane sugar, or stevia.
  • Hydrogenated fats: these are mainly found in margarine and fried foods. Replace them with healthy fats, like olive oil, coconut oil, dried fruits, seeds, avocados, etc.
  • Coffee: green tea is a healthy alternative to this exciting drink, which has anti-cellulite properties in particular.
  • Alcoholic drinks: if you want to consume stimulating and energy drinks, prepare yourself instead juices and homemade fruit and vegetable smoothies.

Move more to get rid of your cellulite

You might be taking care of your diet, and certainly using cellulite creams, but sedentarism is one of your worst enemies.

Avoid spending 45 minutes in a row sitting down. Try to do moderate intensity activities two to three times a week.

Also avoid elevators and escalators to make your daily routine more active.

Monitor your blood circulation

If you have a genetic predisposition to suffer from poor circulation, getting rid of cellulite will be more difficult for you than for others.

However, the good news is that there are several techniques you can follow to address it.

  • Take cold showers or alternating temperatures, changing from hot to cold several times.
  • Massage yourself with oils that improve blood circulation, such as rosemary for example.
  • Brush your skin dry.
  • Elevate your legs for half an hour a day.

Take care of your hormonal balance to eliminate your cellulite

Hormones have a big influence on the appearance of cellulite and can sometimes prevent some women from getting rid of it, even if they are thin.

If this is your case, we recommend that you follow a natural treatment that will help you regulate them.

Among the most effective supplements, we recommend:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • Linseed oil
  • Fennel
  • Beer yeast
  • The chaste tree
  • Sage

Consume more water to eliminate your cellulite

 Water to eliminate your cellulite.

We don’t give enough importance to drinking water throughout the day, yet it is one of the most effective remedies for cellulite removal.

Drinking water on an empty stomach and outside of meals allows us to purify our body of toxins it contains, improve our blood circulation and fight water retention continuously, without any effort.

Drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach, three glasses throughout the morning and three more in the afternoon. You will quickly notice the difference.

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