What Do The Pimples On The Nipples Indicate?

Morgagni tubers are small, harmless sebaceous glands. However, if you have any concerns or think you have a problem, it is best to see your doctor.

You have surely already noticed small pimples on the nipple that can change their characteristics slightly over time. Are they harmless? Why do they appear? We can already tell you that you don’t have to worry.

Let’s find out more about it.

During the development of a woman, she undergoes a wide variety of changes. These little pimples can appear or disappear over time, often without even realizing it. These variations tend to be more common in the breast area. This is why it is necessary to pay extreme attention to any type of anomaly such as:

  • Acne
  • Sweat
  • Size
  • Sensitivity
  • Inverted nipple
  • Redness

And, although most of these signs do not involve any risk to your health, it is a good idea to educate yourself to be on the lookout for any changes. For this reason, if you do not know what pimples on the nipples mean, in this article you will find the answers, do not miss them!

What exactly are pimples on the nipples?

Pimples on the nipples are also known as Morgagni or Montgomery tubercles . These are small sebaceous glands located both in the areola and in the nipple.

Montgomery tubers are known to help keep nipples lubricated and in good condition because they produce natural oils that help control pH and protect the nipple from any type of infection. For this reason, they have antibacterial functions.

Is it normal to have Montgomery glands on the nipples?

Yes, it’s totally normal. All women are born with them (between 4 and 28 in total, to be more precise) and their height and thickness will not always be the same in all cases. In addition, they may change for the following reasons:

  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Hormonal changes

In these cases, they tend to be more visible to the eye and to the touch. However, these tubercles or “pimples” are not tender and do not cause pain. Likewise, at the end of these processes, these tubers return to their normal size.

How to take care of the Montgomery glands?

Although these glands are natural, care should be taken not to affect their functions and to keep the nipples as protected as possible.

1. Change your bra

It is important to change bra as soon as we notice that the breasts start to swell and the tubercles or “pimples” appear or grow larger. This way we will avoid irritation and damage to the nipples.

  • The health of your breasts may be affected if they are squeezed. This is why we recommend that you change your bra as soon as you start to notice that it gets too tight.

For women who are pregnant and have more sensitive nipples, it is important to use natural bras, without wire frames or straps that can affect them.

A woman undoes her bra

2. Hygiene is fundamental for pimples on the nipples

It is possible that the breast area is exposed to perspiration from temperature and friction, it is important to clean it with a neutral pH soap to avoid any damage to the mammary glands and Montgomery tubercles. This will not only keep the area clean and free of bacteria, but will also promote the elimination of sweat, secretions and acne. On the other hand, it is advisable to use a suitable moisturizer to keep the skin in good condition and thus avoid the inconvenience of dryness and the like.

Finally, it should be borne in mind that these buttons do not represent any danger to health; on the contrary, they only bring benefits. However, if you have any concerns, always consult your doctor before taking action.

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