There Are Brief Loves That Remain Etched In The Soul

Some brief stories remain etched in our soul, like a fragment of a past to which we often return to be happy.

There are short, fleeting loves like the summer breeze, like arms that envelop us for a few moments and then leave us alone, but full of emotions, wisdom and well-being that are worth to be felt.

It is often said that short loves tend to leave open wounds in our hearts. But instead of just hanging on to “what it could have been,” it’s better to accept the experience as something enriching. Something that is part of who we are today and that, without a doubt, has been worth it.

It will always be better to come back to that recess of the soul where short loves are found rather than lament that you have not experienced any of this. We invite you here to think about this.

These loves that have remained engraved in our soul

Mario Benedetti said that eternal loves are the shortest.  It is amazing how our emotional memory tends to regularly call on those recesses of the hypothalamus or other areas of the brain where we store these fragments of emotional life to remember the happiness of yesteryear.


Sometimes the memory lasts longer than the time loved

The real secret of short loves is that we experience this first phase very intensely and perfectly. The chemical chaos overtakes us then and makes us live a marvelous moment.

  • Whether it is by mutual agreement or not, the breakup increases the emotional load all the more.
  • Short loves do not allow us to consolidate the relationship, or even to make it mature . We remain in this preliminary phase where the “perfect” is added to the tragic dimension of the rupture. It doesn’t matter how long the relationship is.
  • As time passes, memory tends to idealize the relationship. We think about what it could have been, what we have left to live, and how happy it would have been if it had lasted.
  • Remembrance and how we integrate what has been experienced in that relationship will move us forward or backward in terms of maturity. If we focus on “what has been lost” it will be very difficult for us to re-engage.

Idealizing is never good

There are wonderful loves, loves that disappoint us and loves that cool down with time. Either way, it’s important to never idealize people or those “fleeting” relationships from the past.

It is very common to idealize these fleeting loves, and these relationships which lasted only a few days or a few months.

  • We create a series of thoughts and reasoning that ends up praising some people and as a new relationship looms, we can’t help but compare. However, this is not a good thing.
  • There are people who think that they did not deserve “that person”, that she was not for her and that is why the relationship ended. It is also not advisable to think so.
  • The relationship must be reciprocal, and it’s never good to think that the other person is above us or out of reach.

If they were sincere, these loves were worth it

Never regret an experience lived with authenticity and intensity, even if sooner or later it brings you tears and sadness.

If brief loves leave many voids in our hearts, and we must be able to weigh all that they have given us :

  • Good memories
  • Learning to love and be loved
  • Intense emotions loaded with authenticity
  • Sincere words that raised our esteem
  • A period of life when everything was positive and full of good intentions. All this represents pillars for our personal development, and a cognitive reserve that can accompany us forever.

As it is often said in such cases, it is always better to lament that you have lost something beautiful than to never have known it. To live is to experience but also to let go.

brief loves

Short, beautiful and memorable loves

Short loves are experiences that test us to test our courage. Either we move forward or we stick to the past to feed only on nostalgia.

It is always better to keep a little corner of the soul and the brain for this experience. This personal and emotional heritage also defines us as a person.

Each of us represents “what he has lived” but we are also “the values” that we give to these said experiences.

If we perceive brief loves as painful facts, you will always be living in pain. If we consider them as positive and enriching experiences, we will open ourselves to more possibilities because we will have understood that our purpose in this world is to be happy. This is something to always keep in mind.

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