The Difficulties Of Obesity During Pregnancy

Obesity can cause later health problems in the baby and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. Find out about its harmful effects and how to avoid it.

Obesity during pregnancy is a common condition, as in the general population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this is a problem that affects almost 302 million people worldwide.

Many women start their pregnancy at a weight above the recommended weight. However, obesity during pregnancy does not only affect the health of the mother: it can also cause complications in the baby and in its development. So we’ll explain everything you need to know about it.

What is considered obesity during pregnancy?

Obesity during pregnancy, as at any time in a woman’s life,  is defined as excess body fat. In general, to classify the problems of overweight and obesity, we calculate the body mass index (BMI).

The body mass index is calculated by dividing the weight by the height squared. Thus, when the BMI is over 30, a person is considered to be suffering from obesity. There are several degrees:

  • Class I obesity:  when the BMI is between 30 and 34.9.
  • Class II:  when the body mass index is between 35 and 39.9.
  • Extreme obesity or class III:  the value exceeds 40.

It is important to know that this parameter is, in reality, an approximation measure. In some cases, such as in people who have a lot of muscle mass, the BMI can be high, even if not because of the fat. We should therefore only use it to get an approximate idea.

The problem is, obesity has a big impact on all areas of health. It increases the cardiovascular risk and, moreover, harms fertility.

This disease indeed produces hormonal changes which end up reducing female fertility. In fact, it does not only alter fertility in a natural way: it can also prevent techniques such as in vitro  fertilization from working.

A pregnant woman.

How can obesity affect pregnancy?

Obesity during pregnancy is a risk factor for the mother and for the fetus. Regarding the pregnancy itself, we could see that this condition significantly increases the possibility of experiencing complications.

First, the risk of spontaneous abortions increases: the baby dies in the womb during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy. Obesity is also linked to recurrent abortions and the birth of stillbirths.

During childbirth, obesity makes caesarean sections more frequent. This therefore implies slower postpartum recovery and wound infections.

Preeclampsia is one of the most serious complications during pregnancy, which is strongly linked to obesity. The mother’s blood pressure increases and the placenta can be damaged, compromising the blood flow to the fetus.

Maternal health risks

For pregnant women, obesity poses a very significant risk to their health. It would increase the risk of suffering from a cardiovascular event  and is for example linked to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Likewise, it increases blood pressure and the risk of developing gestational diabetes. This disorder consists of an increase in the mother’s blood sugar values ​​during pregnancy. The fetus can therefore grow more than it should (a condition called macrosomia ) and present problems related to its hypoglycemia at birth.

Risks of obesity during pregnancy on the baby

Obesity during pregnancy, as we have already reported, can cause the baby to grow taller than it should. This does not only complicate childbirth:  the child will indeed be more prone to childhood obesity and diabetes throughout his life.

Research by the  National Institute of Child Health  found that obesity during pregnancy can cause defects in a baby’s neural tube. The neural tube is the structure through which the brain and spinal cord are formed. This has also been associated with cardiac changes and lesions during childbirth.

How much should the weight increase during pregnancy?

Weight usually increases on its own during pregnancy, which is normal. Doctors estimate healthy weight based on the mother’s baseline situation. In other words, before pregnancy, based on the mother’s BMI, they recommend the pounds the mother can gain.

In the case of obesity and a pregnancy with a single baby, it is generally recommended that the weight gain be limited to 9 kg. If it is a multiple pregnancy, the woman can gain between 11 and 19 kg.

You should know that trying to lose weight during this stage can cause anxiety in mom. It can also lead to premature labor or a baby who is smaller than he should be when he was born. However, each case must be evaluated in a specific way by the specialist.

A blood pressure test during pregnancy.

Tips for having a healthy pregnancy

In order for the pregnancy to go well, it is best that it be planned. This will allow us to adopt special lifestyle habits. For example, one can try to lose weight to reduce the incidence of obesity during pregnancy.

The ideal is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. We must reduce the consumption of processed and high-fat foods, and eliminate the ingestion of alcohol or any other drug. In addition, it is recommended to incorporate foods rich in folic acid and iron.

It is also important to try to engage in moderate physical activity. If you develop good exercise habits, you can continue to exercise during pregnancy, which will have many benefits for the baby and the mother. For example, going out for a walk or going for a swim.

If you are obese during pregnancy or are thinking about having a baby, the most important thing is to see your doctor. He will give you a series of recommendations specific to your case, which will improve the chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

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