The Best Natural Remedies For Dry Lips

Besides its delicious flavor, coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, has regenerative properties, and helps us hydrate chapped lips.

There are several reasons why the lips get dry. The most important is that they are located within reach of the tongue, which makes it easier to lick our lips than our forehead. Now, this dries them up.

Human saliva contains two compounds that promote dryness of the skin. Amylase and maltase, which are digestive enzymes that can loosen sensitive skin on the lips , leaving them at the mercy of dry air.

Below are the best natural remedies for dry lips.

1. Coconut oil

For thousands of years, people in tropical places have used coconut for its dietary and medicinal properties.

Modern research into the properties of coconut, especially its oil, has reinforced ancient notions that coconut is a food that is good for you.

They demonstrated that coconut oil is made up of an unusual type of fat. Most animal and vegetable fats are made up of long chain fatty acids.

However, coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which our body does not treat in the same way as long chain fatty acids.

In particular, unlike fats made up of long chain fatty acids, coconut oil does not increase cholesterol in the blood stream. In fact, it decreases the presence of cholesterol in the tissues of organs such as the liver, which effectively reduces cholesterol.

It has also been discovered that coconut oil has other healing properties, including improving the health of the skin and especially dry lips.

Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin, making it an excellent emollient (a softening agent) and a great moisturizer.

In addition, coconut oil allows easy absorption of vitamins including vitamin E, an antioxidant that reduces the formation of free radicals that damage cells.

2. The cucumber

Cucumber for the lips.

Cucumber slices have been associated with beauty diets for some time now. Cucumber slices have been proven to be effective in enhancing the beauty of the skin. By reducing the appearance of blisters under the eyes.

Cucumber is mostly water, over 90%, which means it can serve as a means of H2O refueling.

Water from raw cucumber slices can help restore moisture to dry lips. But cucumber also has other components that can help improve lip health.

It has a high quality of ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C. Which improves the production of collagen, a protein that gives structure and resistance to skin tissue.

Cucumber also contains caffeic acid, a natural antioxidant that prevents the appearance of free radicals by ultraviolet radiation.

3. Mango oil

Just like coconut oil, mango oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the mango tree, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

There’s a good reason for this: Mango oil is high in fatty acids. Mainly in oleic and stearic acid. This is why mango essential oil has properties to make your lips moist and soft.

Oleic and stearic acids also have the added benefit of being both hydrophilic and hydrophobic.

One extreme is attracted to the other while the other pushes it away. As a result, these two triglycerides effectively block moisture on the lips and waterproof them.

4. Aloe vera for dry lips

Aloe vera for the lips.

The indoor succulent plant generally known as aloe vera has been used against all types of diseases. From reducing burn pain to relieving constipation.

Some of these treatments have a real positive effect. Thanks to the hygroscopic properties of aloe vera gel (Source: Mayo Clinic). What does this mean exactly?

Just like the oleic and stearic acids that are found in mango oil and which have hydrophilic properties, that is, they are attracted to water molecules, the aloe gel vera is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs vapor from the air around it.

When aloe vera gel is applied to dry, chapped lips, its hygroscopic properties draw moisture from the lips. Which makes it a humectant.

Aloe vera also serves as a way to ingest essential oils. Which can contribute to the production of elastin and collagen , just like rosehip oil.

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