The Anti-carcinogenic Properties Of Ripe Bananas

Thanks to their alkalinity, ripe bananas promote the activation of defensive immune cells which are responsible for the production of a substance called TNF-alfa, which is essential to fight cancer.

The ripe banana ranks first among protective foods against cancer .

According to research conducted by a group of Japanese universities, when eaten fully ripe bananas, which have a blackened or intense yellow skin and covered with very dark spots, activate the immune defensive cells. Concretely, they activate neutrophils and macrophages which are responsible for the manufacture of a substance called TNF alpha which plays an essential role in the face of cancer!

Everyone is well aware of the great benefits that this magnificent fruit offers to our health, as it contains practically no fat and very few calories. It is for this reason that specialists recommend its daily consumption, as far as possible, except for those with kidney problems, because it is very rich in potassium.

The health benefits of bananas

  • Bananas are one of the best appetite suppressants. Its basic component is starch, essential for giving energy. Moreover, athletes use it practically as a substitute for an energy drink, because it puts us back on our feet when we need it.
  • Potassium is also one of the great components of bananas. It is used to counteract the effects of salt in the body and is particularly suitable for people who have high blood pressure.
  • In addition, bananas are also very rich in vitamins A, C and K, zinc, calcium, sodium, iron …
  • But we must also remember that as the banana ripens, it acquires a fairly high glycemic index, which makes it a fruit, unfortunately, not recommended for diabetics.

Its beneficial action to prevent cancer

Bananas to prevent cancer

According to the studies we referred to above, to prevent cancer, we need to consume ripe bananas. That is to say, once her skin turns black or she is covered with many black spots. It is then that cells will activate which will prevent the growth of abnormal substances thanks to TNF alpha, to offer us essential immunological protection to fight against cancer.

It is therefore necessary to be careful that the banana is always very ripe. The darker it is, the more alkaline it is, an essential condition for activating the function of white blood cells in the blood. If we don’t like ripe bananas too much, we can prepare banana desserts or milkshakes, since its creamy texture will be just as beneficial to us!

Recipes based on ripe bananas

Banana cake.

Banana Nut Cake

This dessert will give us a lot of energy while providing us with very little fat; we can therefore consume it in all circumstances to benefit from the beneficial properties of ripe bananas!


  • 125 gr of bread from the day before (without the crust).
  • 500 ml of skimmed milk.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 2 ripe bananas.
  • 8 nuts.
  • 5 gr of butter.


  1. Butter the cake pan.
  2. Grind the bread then put it in a container and pour the milk over it.
  3. Add the  eggs  and mix everything together until you get a smooth paste. Let it sit for ten minutes.
  4. Then cut the bananas into slices and place them on the bottom of the buttered mold. Then pour the batter over the bananas and garnish with walnut kernels.
  5. Put this preparation in the oven at 180º and cook for 25-30 minutes.

Banana ice cream


  1. 4 ripe bananas.
  2. 1/4 l of liquid cream.
  3. 1/2 lemon.
  4. melted chocolate, preferably natural with 90% cocoa, better for your health.


  1. Peel the bananas, cut them into pieces, add the lemon juice and mash them with a mixer.
  2. Pour the lightly beaten fresh cream over this puree and mix little by little until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  3. Then pour this preparation into cups and put them in the freezer for at least an hour. When ready to serve, add the melted chocolate on top.

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