The 5 Types Of Happiness You Can Experience

Although they may seem different to us, the types of happiness we can experience while doing different activities are similar in one aspect: they make us feel whole.

There are 5 different types of happiness that you can experience in various situations that you might not have thought of. Did you think there was only one kind of happiness?

We all know that to be happy, we must learn to be more present in the moment, to move away from those past and future concerns that we cannot do anything about, to have a good time. time with our loved ones and loved ones and to travel and enjoy life intensely.

Where do we need to pay real attention? In what situations is our happiness found?

The types of happiness we all feel

1. Enjoyable daily experiencesof happiness

Even if you do not believe it, every day of our life, we live pleasant experiences which make us feel positive emotions which lead to the said happiness.

Do we need to do something extraordinary to make it happen? Certainly not, because if you remember a very famous phrase, the fun is in the little things of everyday life.

We just need to be more attentive and we will realize that exercising, enjoying a good morning coffee and its aroma or spending our free time reading or finishing a professional project with many possibilities for success, can bring us that feeling of happiness.

2. The state of flowof happiness

It is certain that you have felt this state before, but the name does not ring a bell because you are a little lost at the moment.

The state of flow occurs when you are so immersed in an activity that you enjoy that you forget the time and what is going on around you.

Maybe this has happened to you before if you paint, if you are a writer, if you do manual activities… Anything that you enjoy very much and that absorbs you can bring you to this state.

It is the fruit of one of your pleasures. For example, if you like math, you will feel like you are going through operations or other exercises with numbers and formulas.

So it is one of the types of happiness that vary a lot from person to person.

In your case… what makes you forget about the world around you?

3. Happiness in relationships

of happinessHuman beings are sociable beings.  It is therefore very important for us to establish strong and healthy bonds with other people.

While it is certain that a dose of solitude is necessary for our well-being, having people by our side who love us, whom we can trust and with whom to share great moments is something that will allow us to feel very good.

4. Achieve goals

Do you have a goal to achieve? Is it in line with your values? By achieving these two together, it forms another type of happiness that we can experience.

Achieving this goal will enrich us, allow us to feel whole, motivated and very happy with ourselves. It is a very positive development which, moreover, will generate an increase in our self-esteem.

5. Does your life have meaning?

of happinessMany people are lost, disheartened and sad because their lives are meaningless. Sometimes it reflects emotional voids and unsuccessful issues and we feel like we are in a maze.

Realizing that we exist for something, that we are not there without a reason, and that we have a mission is another type of happiness that we can experience.

Sometimes it’s hard to know which way is our way. However, you have to know that we are there because of something and for something.

Having the motivation to make our life something extraordinary will be essential to be happy.

Know that we can all do something for this world. What are you contributing to it?

These five types of happiness are very important and being able to feel good in all these environments will be the expression of the true balance that can exist in our life.

Do you dare to be happy in five different ways? Happiness cannot be reduced to a concrete goal or a complete situation. There are many places where he waits for someone to come and find him. Motivate us!

  • Bouffard, L., & Lapierre, S. (1997). THE MEASURE OF HAPPINESS Léandre BOUFFARD. Quebec Journal of Psychology.
  • Deutsch, H. (2010). Satisfaction, happiness and ecstasy. Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse.

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