Ten Tips For Avoiding Fluid Retention

Poor eating habits can cause fluid retention. Even if it is not serious in itself, we must remain on our guard, because it can be a harbinger of other evils.

Even if it is true that this is not a health problem with serious consequences, it is still necessary to avoid water retention. Indeed, it can be one of the symptoms that tell us that we are suffering from a more serious illness.

It will then be necessary to diagnose and treat this disease. Because it could be a serious condition, hypertension or heart disease, for example.

Fluid retention appears as a direct consequence of certain physiological situations such as menopause, pregnancy or menstruation. It can also be caused by kidney disease, liver disease or heart disease, among others.

Women are much more prone to this problem. Suddenly, without understanding why, you put on weight. You feel it especially in the legs. Your hands, on the other hand, are thicker. Do you also feel weak and have cramps?

If so, it means that you are having the first symptoms of possible fluid retention. Warning !

Fluid retention can also be caused by poor eating habits. This is why today we have decided to offer you some very important advice to avoid water retention:

Water retention

10 tips to avoid water retention

  • You should increase your daily intake of foods rich in water and electrolytes. With in particular fruits and vegetables.
  • You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day! If for some reason you are not a big fan of water, you can substitute it with natural fruit juices with no added sugar, herbal teas, or just flavored water. It is in fact water to which we add a little juice from a citrus fruit, such as lemon or orange.
  • It is important to control your  salt intake. When adding it to foods, always do it in small amounts, or replace it with herbs or other spices.
  • Try  to avoid consuming any food high in sugar. You really have to control yourself!
  • You need to eat a good amount of protein! Indeed, if they are not present enough in your diet, the production of albumin will drop sharply. This will therefore cause fluid retention in the tissues.
  • You have to do everything possible to have a good rest.  This is very important to prevent water retention. This is all the more true when it occurs very often in the legs.
  • To avoid water retention, it is recommended to drink tea, as well as some herbal teas that have diuretic effects.
  • We recommend that you do not sit for too long. If your job requires you to do so, don’t hesitate to get up to walk a bit. Do this at least once every hour to stretch and stretch your legs.
  • It is very important not to use clothes that are too tight.

Also consider physical exercise

  • You need to schedule physical activities that will help improve blood circulation. It is best to do these activities or exercises every day, for at least half an hour. You can for example go for walks, bike rides, or even dance!

If in addition to all of these tips, you avoid consuming soft drinks, coffee, and refined flour, you can be sure that you will be all right! You will feel much better, and it will show!

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