Study Recommends Not To Consume Skimmed Milk

Eating low fat milk does not make us feel as full, which is why we want to eat more and gain weight.

In order to lose weight, or maintain a beautiful figure, some people choose to consume “low fat” skim milk, or products derived from it, in order to take advantage of its excellent flavor, and its benefits. “Benefits”, without ingesting too much fat.

In recent years, cow’s milk has been one of the most questioned foods in terms of its real contributions to our diet.

Many people dedicate an essential place to it in their diet. But recent studies have shown that consuming cow’s milk can be detrimental to health.

However, David Ludwig, a scientist at Harvard University, conducted a study that questions the supposed benefits of milk. And in particular milk stamped “semi-skimmed” or “skimmed”.

The study found that when fat is removed from milk, it is replaced with sugars. And these are very harmful to our organism in the long term.

The danger of sugary drinks has long been well known to the population. But milk had never been one of the foods covered by this name.

In his study, Dr. Ludwig questions the publicity that low fat milk has received. Because all drinks containing additional sugars and calories are subject to very specific promotion rules in many countries around the world.

Is the consumption of cow’s milk necessary?

The scientist joins other studies which have already pointed out the uselessness of the consumption of cow’s milk for the human being.

Some go further, and claim that it is even dangerous for our health.

Cow’s milk has become very popular thanks to its calcium content. Indeed, it is a substance that is essential for the health of our bones, according to many experts. However, other foods are higher in calcium than cow’s milk, while having less harmful effects on our body in the long run.

replace skimmed milk with foods rich in calcium

These foods include broccoli, kale, arugula or spinach, which have over 160 mg of calcium per serving.

This substance is also found in sardines, nuts, seeds and pulses. They can also provide significant amounts per serving.

It therefore appears clear that the consumption of cow’s milk is not necessary for the proper maintenance of the human bones. And so it is better to replace it with healthier foods.

When we talk about low fat milk, the argument that proves the uselessness of its consumption becomes even clearer.

According to the study carried out by the Harvard scientist, there is hardly any proof of the benefits of skimmed milk, compared to whole milk, either for weight loss, or for any other supposed benefit.

Conversely, many studies have pointed out that the consumption of this drink decreases the state of satiety. And therefore facilitates weight gain in people who drink it regularly. Therefore, they often increase their calorie intake to compensate for the lack.

is skim milk for weight loss useful for weight loss

Where does the milk come from?

Many nutritionists continue to recommend that their patients consume skimmed milk for weight loss.

However, studies are more and more positive about the harmful effects of this drink. Only whole milk, and only from organic farming, is beneficial.

Dairy products can improve heart health, diabetes, absorption of vitamins by the body. Or they can decrease the risk of suffering from colon cancer, among others.

However, to consider that milk is good for health, we must first ask ourselves about one point: where does the milk come from?

These days, it is very difficult to find milk that is good for our body.

Indeed, the quantity of hormones injected into the cows so that they increase their daily milk production,  significantly altered the quality of the final product, and made it  a real danger for our organism.

Most people are unaware of the potential dangers of skim milk to their health. It is important to specify that the quality of the product changes with the methods used to obtain it. In the case of milk, technology has increased the harmfulness of its production.

Better to be on guard then. And do not trust the advertisements that extol the wonders of this product that is dangerous for our health.

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