Some Tips To Make Your Baby Sleep Much Better

It is normal for babies to sleep little and often wake up crying. However, as parents, there are some tips and practices that you can use that can help them sleep more peacefully. Discover them all in this article.

When babies are born, they don’t have a specific sleep period until the sixth month. Usually, they sleep every 3 hours and wake up crying. It is normal to want to know how to make your baby sleep better.

Newborns find it hard to tell the difference between day and night. This may explain why they sleep so little. But do not worry !

After the first few weeks you will be able to teach your baby how to sleep and he will begin to understand the difference. This way, you can gradually build up sleep patterns so that your baby can sleep better.

It is quite difficult to adapt to the new reality of the arrival of a child. Does your baby wake you up several times during the night and get you out of bed to calm him down?

Worried about whether he’ll be able to go back to sleep? Although it may seem complex at first, over time your child will soon get a good night’s sleep.

So, don’t let worries spoil this great thrill of being a mother. Your child will only be a baby for a very short time!

For this reason, today we want to share with you in this article several tips to help your baby gradually sleep much better.

Tips to help your baby sleep better

1. Learn to use the lights in your bedroom

Tips for getting your baby to sleep.

Lights induce wakefulness and activity, while darkness promotes sleep. Therefore, you need to get your baby used to light during the day and dark when it comes at night.

  • During the day: let the sunlight enter the house. Draw the curtains and open the windows.
  • At night: decrease the intensity of the lights a little before your baby falls asleep so that he gradually gets used to it.

You can also use small lights like night lights, as long as they don’t brighten the room too much.

2. Put your baby to bed before he sleeps

At first, it will be difficult for your baby to put your baby to sleep before she falls asleep, especially if you are breastfeeding her.

Preferably, you should breastfeed and stroke him until he begins to doze off. But be careful, don’t let him fall asleep completely in your arms because when you put him in his bed, he will wake up again.

3. Avoid getting him out of bed as soon as he cries.

You should not run around and hug your child every time you hear a small sob. If you do, you’ll get her used to waking up more often.

Instead of reacting this way, wait a few minutes and give him the opportunity to calm down on his own and go back to sleep.

If that is not possible, then in that case, go see him so that he does not cry anymore.

4. Be patient

Tips to help your baby sleep better.

Even if your baby has a habit of sleeping for several hours at a time, he may wake up crying during the night. In view of this, don’t worry. This is normal, especially if he has slept in the afternoon or experiences discomfort such as a fever.

Discover several tips to help your baby sleep much better:

  • Your baby should be in a very calm environment.
  • Try not to over-stimulate him when he falls asleep.
  • Play a lot with your baby during the day. If you have a pet, include it in the games and it will be a fun day for everyone. At night, he will feel so tired that it will not take long for him to fall asleep.
  • If your baby wakes up during the night, do not turn on the light immediately. Also, do not move it near a light source.
  • Establish a regular bedtime time and have him fall asleep easily.
  • Always make sure he sleeps in a good position and is comfortable in his bed.
  • Give him a bath before bed, this habit will also promote sleep.
  • After several weeks, you should no longer sleep with your baby. Don’t get used to it!


Be patient and, most importantly, give him time to adjust so that he sleeps more than 3 hours in a row.

Getting your baby to sleep all night without waking up is every parent’s dream. However, this is not a matter of chance or genetics. The key lies in the habits and customs that we create with our children.

If you can manage to establish sleep schedules and get it used to staying awake during the day and sleeping at night, that will be great. In a short time he will no longer be a baby and what you think is a problem will be over tomorrow. You will have time to get more sleep.

Practice these tips on how to make your baby sleep better and take advantage of this special step.

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