Simple And Effective Remedies To Fight Dandruff

The combination of rosemary and avocado helps us eliminate the bacteria responsible for the appearance of dandruff. In addition, it hydrates our hair in depth.

Is there anything more disturbing and unsightly than dandruff? This little daily torture damages the beauty of your hair, floods your shoulders with little white residues that catch the eye and make you feel ashamed.

They are neither aesthetic nor healthy, and you absolutely want to get rid of them. But, what can you do to eliminate them?

First of all, you should know that the heavy use of chemicals on your scalp makes the situation worse instead of helping you. The best solution is to follow some natural remedies, the least aggressive possible.

You can follow your dermatologist’s recommendations. But also take into account some advice, which is accessible to all. Are you going to try them?

1. The remedy with aloe vera and lemon

This very simple remedy is undoubtedly one of the most effective. But, remember, in order for dandruff to go away completely, you need to follow this treatment consistently.

Follow step by step the steps that we are going to reveal to you to prepare this remedy with aloe vera and lemon :

  • Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which are  ideal for eliminating dandruff problems.
    For this, take a spoonful (about 20 grams) of aloe gel, which is the translucent part that is inside the plant.
  • Once you have prepared this gel, start massaging your scalp with it. Try not to forget any part of your skull, so that your whole head is well impregnated with this gel.
  • Then, be patient and wait for the gel to work for 15 minutes.
  • Then wash your hair as usual, with a mild shampoo.
  • Rinse your hair, and extract the juice of a lemon to perform a new massage. Applying lemon juice  will help regulate the appearance of dandruff and treat the skin in this area of ​​your head well.
    Once you have performed this second massage, and your scalp is well saturated with lemon juice, rinse with lukewarm water. Never do this with hot water, as it may damage your hair.

2. The remedy with avocado and rosemary infusion

Simple and effective remedies to fight dandruff: avocado and rosemary

If you have avocado in your house, all you have to do is find two small sprigs of rosemary to craft a very effective remedy for dandruff.

Avocado acts as a great moisturizer, rich in essential oils which are great for taking care of the health of your scalp.

If you combine it with rosemary, you will get an ideal treatment to eliminate bacteria, to deflame and regulate the production of the Malassezia fungus , responsible for the excessive production of dandruff.

Follow these few very simple steps: 

  • Take the flesh of half an avocado, put it in a bowl, and make a paste as thin as possible with a spoon.
  • Make an infusion of rosemary. For this, boil 200 ml of water and add two sprigs of rosemary. When everything comes to a boil, let stand, then mix the infusion with the avocado cream.
  • Try to get the cream as homogeneous as possible.
  • Then apply it to your dry hair. Make a massage for 15 minutes, for this treatment to work well on your scalp.
  • Finally, rinse with lukewarm water and wash your hair normally, with a mild shampoo or suitable conditioner.

3. The sodium bicarbonate remedy

Simple and effective remedies to fight dandruff: baking soda

You already know the multiple benefits of sodium bicarbonate, because this essential product that we must always have at home, can help us in many areas.

Here it is simply fabulous against dandruff.

This sodium bicarbonate treatment should be done once a week, as it dries out the hair somewhat, and it is therefore advisable not to overdo it.

  • Start by wetting your hair with lukewarm water.
  • Take a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate  (20 grams), and put it in a glass of water. Stir well then pour little by little on your hair.
  • Massage yourself with this mixture, so that the baking soda soaks up your entire scalp. Nothing’s easier !
  • Finally, rinse your hair and wash it with a conditioner. If you are consistent, you will get rid of dandruff in a month.

4. The remedy with white vinegar and mint infusion

Simple and effective remedies to fight dandruff: white vinegar and mint

It is a pleasant, simple and effective remedy. Mint is a perfect herbal medicine to fight bacteria, fungi and all the impurities that may remain on the skin, or the scalp.

If you combine it with white vinegar, you will be able to get rid of dandruff in a very short time. 

  • The first thing to do is to dilute a spoonful of white vinegar (20 ml) in a glass of water.
  • Then, put this mixture to heat, and add 5 mint leaves to it. Wait for the infusion to take place, then let stand.
  • Once the mixture is lukewarm, apply it to the damp scalp with a gentle massage, as in all the previous remedies.
  • When the mixture has completely permeated your entire scalp, wash your hair as usual.

From the remedies we have offered you, you can choose the one that works best for you to get rid of dandruff.

Ideally, you wash your hair every other day, using the treatment that you like the most, or that seems easiest to you.

Keep in mind that the important thing is to be consistent in order to see results quickly.

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