Seven Tips For Taking Care Of Your Brain

If we store memories, constantly making connections, we will protect our brains against premature old age. Physical activity is also fundamental, as is diet and the proper management of our emotions.

Improving our cognitive abilities will also allow us to reduce our worries about little oversights, the feeling of having something on the tip of the tongue, details that are important in everyday life. So take note of our tips for taking care of your brain.

The brain is a perfect machine. It is much more than a collection of neurons and glial cells.

It contains a precious treasure made up of lived experiences and memories that largely determine our personality. It’s like a chest where you can place new things every day that will cultivate it and keep it healthy.

Taking care of your brain requires knowing certain practices that must be applied daily? Eating habits and behaviors by which the gray matter can maintain an optimal state. And thus prevent, or at least delay, the onset of certain diseases.

Our lifestyle can sometimes prevent many ailments.  Stress, hypertension, cholesterol, obesity, etc., lead to neuro-vascular accidents. But also to simple headaches caused by excess stress and anxiety. This is why we must ensure that we lead an adequate lifestyle!

Tips for taking care of your brain

1. Take care of your cognitive reserve

take care of your brain

Everything we have experienced, felt and even suffered is part of our “brain store”. These are the memories that build the brain, providing it with the foundations on which it can be built.

From these memories, the brain can draw emotions and learn. And thus be able to make decisions based on what he has already experienced. This is called cognitive reserve.

The larger it is, the more the brain is protected against premature aging. in effect, it promotes the creation of new brain connections that strengthen neuronal matter. This reinforces the protection against possible diseases.

Hence the importance of experimenting and learning new things every day!

2. Ensure a good diet

tips for taking care of your brain: good nutrition

The brain is an organ that requires a lot of energy. In fact, it alone consumes 20-30% of the calories consumed. But we must avoid consuming too much fat, and even less industrial foods.

In the long run, they make it difficult to maintain good brain health. Nutritionists therefore advise consumption of the following to take care of your brain. You can find them in the foods that we indicate:

  • Tryptophan.  Essential for learning. It is found in foods such as fish, eggs, dried fruits, bananas, pineapples and avocado.
  • Choline.  Soybeans and eggs are rich in it. It is essential for the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles.
  • L-glutamine.  It is used to make gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which helps you stay in a good mood and feel better. It is found in sesame seeds and in sunflower seeds.
  • Flavonoids.  Essential to the synapse of neurons, they reduce neuronal aging and improve memory. They are found in flageolets, in chocolate or in red wine.
  • Alpha lipoic acid.  Also essential for neurons, it fights stress and neutralizes free radicals. It is found in green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli …
  • Vitamin E.  It contributes to the good progress of neuronal activity and prevents oxidation of neuronal membranes. It is found in curry, asparagus, avocado, walnuts, peanuts, olives and olive oil.

3. Physical activity

Some studies claim that physical activity prevents or delays the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

You just need to walk an hour a day, ride a bike, swim or do some activity on a daily basis to improve the connections between your neurons and take care of your brain.

4. Better manage your emotions

 take care of your brain: manage your emotions

Do you know what is one of the worst enemies of brain health? It’s about stress. Our lifestyle, our daily obligations, anxiety, etc. cause us to accumulate toxins. This prevents the proper functioning of the brain and leads to the oxidation of tissues.

Over time, the brain ages prematurely. Hence the importance of looking at things calmly, prioritizing positive thoughts and seeing things from a new perspective, with more serenity, in order to preserve physical and mental health.

5. Social relations

Being surrounded by friends and family members who bring us their experience, comfort, dialogue and courage  helps us to have a greater interest in life. Our brain also feeds on these experiences which make it stronger and more powerful, which helps it to stay young and in shape!

6. Sleep a minimum of 7 or 8 hours

 take care of your brain: sleep well

Rest is a basic need for the body and for the brain. The latter particularly needs it to carry out its functions, such as organizing and storing memories and lived experiences.

The brain is very active during the night, but does not perform its functions properly unless we are immersed in a deep sleep.

7. Cognitive stimulation

In addition to physical exercise, the brain needs to carry out its own activity. And to face his own daily challenges that positively grease his gears and help him stay young and running smoothly.

You can play chess with a friend or a family member, do crossword puzzles or sudoku, read a book, draw… Why not start keeping a private journal and thus express the experiences lived throughout the day?

It’s these little challenges that take care of your brain. Don’t hesitate to try them out!

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