Self-knowledge Can Be Synonymous With Happiness

People who come to have a perfect knowledge of themselves know that perfection is not always possible and that is why they are able to be happier, because they have realistic goals.

If we can figure out who we are and how we are, we will have taken an important step.

We will be the true architects of our life and will achieve the well-being and wholeness to develop all the potential that we can have.

The concept of happiness

Among the definitions of happiness is one that defines a state of well-being, personal satisfaction and wholeness.

In this state, the person feels tall, full and capable of facing any situation.

Self-knowledge for happiness

  • Experts agree that one of the most important keys to achieving happiness is full self-knowledge.
  • But also the personal awareness around the identity, values, resources and capacities of each.

The key to being happy through knowing yourself

The key to self-knowledge.

First, there would be the awareness that we are the masters of our lives. In this way, we will assimilate that we are living miracles and that we are part of a dynamic nature, full of abundance and possibilities to grow.

We must observe our own thoughts, witness them, emotions and results.

Let’s not be too judgmental, let’s just be more observant.

Change thoughts

Once the negative thoughts are detected, they must be replaced by other alternatives, and again observe their impact.

The key is happiness instead of fear, that is, instead of focusing on fears and giving them importance, you have to connect with the happiness that comes from being alive and analyze abilities.

Some actions that help self-knowledge

Actions and self-knowledge.

Wielding, controlling and managing our emotions has been proven to bring us closer to happiness. We can measure our happiness by interpreting what is happening to us.

Things always happen to us, some sadder, some more joyful, but the most important thing is not what happens to us, but how we interpret it.

In this interpretation, factors such as the handling of emotions, the way in which we know ourselves and deal with our reality, the people around us, influence us. And above all, our reactions.

Achieve happiness

Happiness is not doing what you want when you want, but wanting what you do. That every day we try to take advantage of the circumstances in which we live.

We must understand that well-being is not synonymous with happiness, but that happiness is an act in the face of what we do.

Sometimes we are happy to remember events we have enjoyed in the past. This memory has been shown to change brain chemistry.

The key to our happiness is starting to irrigate our brains with positive memories. In this way, only by remembering happy events, it can change our state of mind through the secretion of serotonin.


It is important to get up in the morning with a goal. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, but with motivation our days can be different.

Negative thoughts change our internal world. To manage our emotions, live the present moment fills us with optimism and generates positive thoughts.

These positive thoughts will help us secrete the endorphins needed to change our health and those around us. In addition, they improve the life of a couple.

A few words needed

Self-knowledge is necessary.

Among the words that will change our outlook on life the most are: please, thank you and forgiveness . By our language we manifest ourselves to the world and we predispose to face our day.

  • Please open the way for us to interact with the other person.
  • Thank you supposes a thank you, which is the memory of the heart.
  • Forgiveness serves as therapy for us, understanding the circumstances we are going through, forgiving ourselves and our fellow human beings.

Tips for self-knowledge

  • Really know us. When we know each other, we understand each other and we accept and begin our surpassing. It is not possible to surpass yourself or change something if you do not know each other.
  • Avoid exaggerated self-criticism and permanent perfectionism. Hyper perfectionists are dissatisfied, and this generates negativity.
  • It has been shown that dissatisfied people are sick more often and have more migraines than those who accept the situations.
  • It is important to foster positive internal dialogue to support ourselves.
  • They say that in order to be happy you have to be ready to fail in order to realize the important and the superfluous.

Goals to reach

It is important to focus on the step-by-step objectives, that is, to visualize the small objectives and goals first. In this way, with the small, we obtain the large.

We have to work every day to reach small goals to arrive at a bigger goal. The main thing is not to lose the mindset of internal self-motivation.

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