Recycling Old Jeans: The 10 Best Ideas

Thanks to the fine material of their fabrics, old jeans can be reused and transformed into useful and decorative objects for the home. Find out how to recycle old jeans to give them new life.

There are several great ways to recycle old jeans when they go out of style or we don’t put them on anymore. While we can give them to someone who wants to use them, we can also follow the trend and create new useful items to take advantage of this web of many virtues.

As we already know, jeans are a type of clothing made from durable materials that often remain in good condition despite the passage of time. Therefore, before we consider the idea of ​​throwing them away, it is interesting to know several alternative uses that we can give to old jeans by recycling them.

If you are ready to give free rein to your creativity and your manual talents, the ideas that we are going to offer you are ideal to enjoy all your old jeans that you no longer wear.

Do you dare to give your old, worn jeans another chance? So be sure to check out all the ideas we are sharing today in this article. While you may need additional materials and a little time, you are going to love the results. Let’s go !

How to recycle old jeans with simple ideas

The fabrics used in the manufacture of jeans are very durable and can last for decades. However, most people stop using them after a few years because they lose their original color or because the design is no longer in fashion.

So, instead of piling them up in your closets, a good idea is to extend their lifespan with simple creations that can be useful to you around the house. In the following article, we would like to share with you 10 original ideas to encourage you to recycle your old jeans.

Share them and have fun with your family and your children!

1. Denim aprons

aprons made with old jeans

These aprons are the product of recycling old jeans. You can take inspiration from it to create your own models of aprons that will be very resistant and protect your clothes when you cook.

To make pretty aprons, just cut off the jeans legs that you no longer use. Then cut the fabric with scissors and size it according to the pattern you want to give the apron.

One easy way is to pop all the seams of the jeans to fully open the fabric and then be able to cut the apron shape that matches your size. If the piece of fabric is not big enough, you can add more by sewing them directly until they fit your size. Once you have cut the shape you want, you can add a colored hem with another fabric and the necessary straps to secure it to the inside part of the jeans.

Finally, you will have to sew the bretteles and you can also add all kinds of accessories: buttons, pockets, embroidery, etc.

2. Denim bags

There are many models of bags to recycle old jeans in a creative way. Moreover, many turn out to be excellent complements to everyday clothing. All you have to do is cut the fabric choosing the shape you like the most, and machine sew it.

You can create patterns and other details according to your tastes and your creativity. You can create bags with the fabric of your old jeans, and add stones, buttons, colored fabrics, zippers or a detail that makes you happy.

3. Denim pencil cases

By sewing several pockets of old jeans on a large fabric, you can create pretty pots to store your children’s pencils. This simple idea won’t take you a lot of time and will help you tidy up those little things your kids usually hang around everywhere. You can also create these storage units to give them other uses, as well in an office, a bathroom or in the kitchen.

4. Pet jeans accessories

How about stuffing old jeans to make a bed for your pet ? While this might sound like a crazy idea, it’s actually quite interesting. Jeans are a very resistant fabric that will be ideal for making a comfortable place for your dog or cat to rest.

5. Denim cushions

cushions made with old jeans

One of the easiest creative activities to recycle old jeans are cushions for the bed or sofa. You can cut the fabric in several ways as you wish. In addition, you can also select several pieces of different colors and put them together to give them a more interesting style.

To renew the old cushions in your sofa or bedroom, you can cut several jeans and create new covers to protect your cushions. Feel free to play with fabrics of several colors and add the accessories or decorations you want.

6. Denim wallet

The designs for making original wallets with old jeans can vary according to your preferences. This project is so simple to make that you can easily make it giving it an original touch.

To do this, you can use both the pockets of old jeans and the other parts of this thick fabric. As jeans are a sturdy material, they will be the perfect fabric for making a tough wallet. The only thing you will have to do is cut the shape of the purse you desire (round, square, oval, half-moon), sew the edges and add a closure, staples or buttons.

7. Denim placemats

When it comes to serving meals, it is always handy to use placemats that help protect your furniture. In this case, we suggest you recycle old jeans of different colors to obtain original placemats with cutlery holders. This original idea will also make your children happy!

8. Denim flowerpots

Instead of spending a fortune on expensive flower pots to dress up your houseplants, why not recycle old jeans? Choose to use those old pants that pile up in your closets that you don’t do anything about. You can cut them by choosing different shapes to match that of your flower pots.

9. Denim rugs

There are several methods you can use to recycle old jeans and make a rug or doormat . The easiest one is to open the part between the legs and join the fabric to give it a good size. Other options are also possible by sewing several pieces of jeans or using the fabric in the form of braids.

10. Cover of notebooks in jeans

Jeans have a modern and youthful style that you can also use to create beautiful personalized notebook or notebook covers. Why not do this activity with your children? All you have to do is cut them to the right size and then secure the fabric with strong glue to cover notebooks, agendas or books. Cut the correct size and use glue to adhere to the two outer parts you want to decorate.

Do you have old jeans that don’t fit anymore and keep in your closet?  What do you think of all these ideas? Have you ever recycled your clothes? Stop accumulating them without wearing them and give them another use. Now that you know how to easily recycle old jeans and give them a second life, you won’t keep them in your closets without wearing them.

You may also like to discover this article: You will never throw away your old jeans again!

Regardless of the brand, jeans are one of the garments that have a long lifespan and even when they have gone out of fashion, they remain in good condition. And although sometimes we are not aware of it, there are many other uses for it. In this article, we want to share with you 10 cool ideas to give pants that you no longer use a second chance.

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