Ovarian Cancer: 7 Signals That Can Reveal The Silent Killer

Since early diagnosis is fundamental to detect this disease in time, one must pay attention to possible symptoms and consult a specialist as soon as possible, if you have any doubts.

Ovarian cancer is one of the diseases that is also called “silent killer” because of the way it develops in the body.

It is the second most diagnosed gynecological cancer in the world, and it is quite dangerous because of the difficulty of detection that characterizes it.

In 2012, 65,000 women were identified with this cancer, which then became the sixth most important.

It is estimated that around the world, more than 250,000 women die each year from this disease, which comes in many forms.

Ovarian cancer explanations

Because of its great difficulty of detection, only 50% of women with this disease manage to live more than 5 years after being diagnosed.

This is because it is often detected at a fairly advanced stage, which makes it difficult to treat.

However, you should know that if we manage to detect it in time, this percentage could reach 95%.

Age is not a risk factor for this disease, as it has been shown to develop at any time in life.

Despite this, women over 50 need to be more careful because there is a greater incidence from menopause.

This disease accounts for 4% of all cancers that can affect women, but its death rate is higher because of its late detection.

Knowing that its early detection is decisive in the effectiveness of the treatment, it is very important that women inform themselves and that they know the signals that can reveal this disease.

In this article, we are going to share with you 7 signs of ovarian cancer that should not be ignored under any circumstances.

1. Pelvic pain and ovarian cancer

Pain in the pelvic or abdominal area is very different from that produced by digestive conditions such as dyspepsia.

This pain is rather similar to that generated by menstrual spasms and it is quite recurrent.

If it persists for more than two weeks and does not seem to have a specific origin, your best bet is to see a specialist immediately.

2. Indigestion

Indigestion problems are quite common when we have a poor diet and our body is overloaded with heavy foods to digest.

It is difficult to imagine that this disorder is due to ovarian cancer. But the possibility should not be ruled out.

Many diagnosed patients have reported gas, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems more often.

3. Weight loss and ovarian cancer

It is normal to lose your appetite at certain times in life.

However, if this disorder becomes a habit and lasts for several days, you should be alert to a possible problem.

Ovarian cancer suppresses the appetite and generates dangerous changes in cell and lipid metabolism.

4. Abdominal distension

An inflamed abdomen can be the result of poor digestion, food intolerance, or a digestive problem.

However, if none of this seems to be causing it, it’s best to sound the alarm.

5. Frequent urination and ovarian cancer

Many urinary tract problems are caused by viruses and bacteria which generate infections in the system.

However, the frequent and urgent desire to urinate could be indicative of the presence of malignant cells.

This symptom can also include episodes of incontinence and pain or burning when urinating.

6. The feeling of heaviness in the stomach

It is good to feel a feeling of fullness after eating little. To keep a balanced weight and avoid excess.

However, when the body is not used to it, it is very surprising to feel this famous satiety overnight.

A person who eats well but suddenly begins to feel full from the first bite, should consider seeing a doctor.

Although this symptom is not very common in the early stages of the disease, “early satiety” inevitably occurs when the tumor becomes lodged in the omentum, the surface area of ​​the stomach.

7. Lower back pain and ovarian cancer

Having a stabbing, persistent pain in the lower back may be a sign of ovarian cancer.

This pain can have many origins, hence the importance of seeking a diagnosis from your doctor.

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