Medicinal Plants To Regenerate Your Body

The combination of these three medicinal plants will do you good inside as well as outside. It is recommended in case of overweight, water retention, cardiovascular problems, etc.

We have selected three medicinal plants whose properties are very beneficial in preventing and treating many diseases. They also provide a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

We will therefore explain to you, below, the benefits of consuming green tea, ginger and cinnamon infusions on a daily basis. This combination of medicinal plants will indeed regenerate you from the inside and the outside. You will then feel like a charm.

In which case to consume it?

This infusion is recommended in the following cases:

  • For overweight and obese people who have trouble losing weight
  • Against water retention, heavy legs and swollen eyelids
  • Against cardiovascular problems as well as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • In case of frigidity and libido problems
  • In case of gingivitis, cavities and other dental problems 
  • Against poor digestion and gastric hyperacidity
  • Against type 2 diabetes
  • In case of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, exhaustion
  • For people who are cautious
  • For people who are genetically predisposed to cancer

We will therefore explain the benefits of each of these three medicinal plants:

Benefits of green tea

  • Is antioxidant and prevents cell aging
  • Is a natural anticancer drug
  • Accelerates the metabolism and therefore helps to lose weight
  • Is a mild stimulant that improves attention and concentration
  • Fights water retention
  • Improves the health of teeth and gums
  • Soothes certain skin diseases like acne or psoriasis
  • Also reduces allergies
  • Decrease stress

medicinal plants

Benefits of ginger

  • Prevents cancer of the ovaries, prostate and colon
  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Fights nausea and dizziness, especially during pregnancy
  • Brings heat to our body
  • Relieves pain and inflammation of the throat
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Fights water retention
  • Helps prevent infections and increases our natural defenses
  • Has an expectorant function, which helps us to eliminate phlegm
  • Relieves migraines
  • Relieves menstrual colic
  • Protects our cardiovascular health

Benefits of cinnamon

  • Stimulant and aphrodisiac
  • Has digestive effects: it effectively reduces acidity and flatulence
  • Reduces nausea and vomiting
  • Regulates blood glucose levels. Associated with stevia, it makes it possible to treat type 2 diabetes naturally and effectively.
  • Brings energy to our body
  • Long-term improvement of joint and bone diseases
  • Open the appetite
  • Reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases
  • It is also a very powerful anticoagulant

medicinal plants

How to prepare this infusion?

Boil a liter of water with a spoonful of ginger and a spoonful of cinnamon, powdered or thinly sliced. Then boil for five minutes then turn off the heat and add two spoonfuls of green tea.

Leave to rest for five minutes. Filter then put everything in a bottle, or in an easily transportable container, to drink it throughout the day. It is drunk hot, warm or cold.

If you want to sweeten it, it is better to add stevia to it. It is indeed a natural sweetener without harmful effects on our health, unlike sugar or other artificial sweeteners. 

You will also further strengthen its beneficial potential by adding the juice of half a lemon.

Drink this infusion every day for at least a month to see its beneficial effects.

How to drink it?

To get the maximum benefit from herbal infusions, the best times to drink them are:

  • On an empty stomach,  at least half an hour before breakfast
  • Between meals,  at least half an hour before eating
  • It is not recommended to drink this infusion during the evening, because its diuretic and depurative effects can make you go to the toilet regularly during the night and disturb your sleep.

A quality infusion

It is very important, to get the maximum benefit from the effects of each plant, to choose ingredients of very good quality:

  • Green tea : organic if possible
  • Cinnamon:  The best cinnamon is Ceylon cinnamon, which is also very aromatic. Note that it must be stored in a tightly closed container. 
  • Ginger:  use it preferably fresh, grating a few pieces in the saucepan that you will bring to the boil. You can also use it in powder, but it must be of quality, that is to say very aromatic, and with a slight hint of spiciness.

Images of bkajino, nerdling and ion-bogdan dumitrescu

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