Learn To Control Your Anger With These Simple Tips

Identifying the source of your anger can help us manage it through meditation techniques or by avoiding the trigger when possible .

Rage, anger, fury… All these words designate the same feeling that we generally cannot control when it invades us. Not controlling our anger can cause serious problems, both for ourselves and for those around us.

We have all known this unpleasant and hopeless feeling. Check out some tips today that will teach you how to deal with this feeling.

What is anger?

woman having to control her anger

Anger is the union of several negative feelings, such as indignation or frustration. Other factors influence the onset of anger which are somehow related to violence.

Getting angry is a common behavior for all human beings, and while it is sometimes necessary to get angry, it is essential to know how to control this feeling.

Not knowing how to control your anger can lead to the following problems: depression, high blood pressure, and passive-aggressive behavior.

The different ways to get angry

There are many ways to get angry. Some of us get carried away easily and intensely. Others don’t show they are angry and keep everything inside. These people are usually sick, bitter, or not very sociable.

It is also possible that the irritability of some is due to genetic factors, or because they have not learned to deal with certain situations.

When it comes to genetic factors, we can check it with babies, which get irritated easily when they don’t have what they expect.

People who get angry easily are people with low tolerance levels. These people then find it difficult to manage situations that they consider unfair or difficult, because they believe that they should not have to experience such an event.

Another common reason for feeling angry is feeling like we are not getting what we want despite our best efforts.

What triggers a temper tantrum

1. Frustration

An event or situation that interferes with the achievement or accomplishment of a particular goal will disturb the thoughts of the individual who will interpret that event as a blocking signal. This blockage can lead to anger.

Frustration also arises in the face of unfair treatment, when rights are violated. After all, we live in society and are social beings.

Anger can also erupt when we don’t get a reward for a specific action.

2. Various experiences

Experiences of physical pain and even emotional pain are key factors in the development of anger.

Not feeling understood, a breakdown in love without an explanation, or betrayal are all triggers for anger.

Some techniques to control the feeling of anger

1. Adopt relaxation and breathing techniques to control your anger

Relaxation techniques to control your anger

Deep breathing and a short ten minute meditation in which we visualize positive mental situations helps us manage our anger.

If you regularly use this technique, you will bond with your inner world and develop an unwavering attitude in the face of bad circumstances.

2. Have positive thoughts and attitude 

Cultivating positive thoughts and developing greater self-awareness helps to create a state of inner calm and thus to avoid possible remorse. When we are angry, we usually act in an irrational form, and as a result, we hurt people we love.

3. Listen to others attentively and develop emotional maturity 

When we are angry, it is impossible for us to solve problems. It is better to focus on solutions rather than getting carried away.

During an argument, we must therefore take the time to listen to the other and to think of our own solutions. Emotional maturity will push you to avoid conflict and toxic people.

4. Calmly express your emotions in order to control your anger

When we want to express something delicate, it is best to think twice. You must then ask yourself the following question: Is what you are about to say serving to solve the problem or simply to hurt the other? 

Wrong answers or reactions risk worsening an already negative situation. So don’t rush.

5. Do not receive offenses and ignore lies

Always keep in mind that by maintaining your calm, seeking inner peace and feeling able to face situations, you will learn to easily deal with this emotion which causes so much damage.

One of the best ways to control your anger is not to be hurt. A message can only offend us when we receive it.

In short, anger is a feeling that hurts yourself more than the other.

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