Is Technology Really Good For Health?

When we talk about technology, we can’t just focus on advancements in IT, we must also take into account advancements that make our lives easier, such as those made in the medical world. 

Immersed in their daily lives, some ignore the effects of technology on health. Conversely, others doubt the benefits of new technologies and wonder if these technologies are really beneficial.

While it is true that some technological advancements can be considered dangerous from a medical point of view, however, we cannot deny the benefits offered by technology. Technology affects all areas of our life.

It is impossible for us to imagine our life without a computer, without a cell phone, without a car, without an airplane, without a camera …

In our time, medical technology refers to all the objects manipulated in the context of certain procedures to fight diseases. In its early days, the role of technology in the healthcare world was small. There were only a few instruments for performing certain medical maneuvers.

At present, we can observe the great technological advances made in medicine. Thanks to this, some diseases that were once incurable can now be controlled. Others are even completely eliminated.

Discover here 3 technological advances in the medical field as well as 2 health problems related to new technologies.

Advances in technology in the medical field

1. Examinations 

Technology has enabled exams to appear

The appearance of medical examinations is a clear example of technological advances in the medical field. X-rays, electroencephalograms, cardiograms, endoscopies, and many other examinations exist thanks to technological advances.

Another example is blood tests. Thanks to technology and a simple blood test, it is possible to identify the type of blood as well as many diseases. It is also possible to identify genetic markers, using specialized equipment.

Patients who need to monitor specific parameters on a regular basis can do so easily without major complications. This is particularly the case for people with diabetes who have to test their blood sugar levels several times a day.

A simple portable device of small size and a drop of blood are enough to obtain this rate easily, something not possible a few years ago.

2. The procedures

Other advances in technology in the medical field relate to medical procedures. It is now possible to perform surgeries that once were considered impractical.

This is the case with brain surgeries, heart operations, transplants of organs and other parts of the body. These procedures would be impossible to perform without specific equipment.

3. Medication

Technology has enabled the emergence of new drugs

With the term technology, we imagine that these are large sophisticated devices. This is often the case, but not always. What is certain is that progress in this area has been gradual.

A few centuries ago,  Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope. This simple device opened a door to a world completely unknown until then: the world of microorganisms. Thanks to the microscope and the discovery of bacteria, sperm and even red blood cells, new branches of research have emerged. 

A few years later, an important new drug appeared. Penicillin, a drug that is still used today, has solved a major medical problem. This drug was effective in fighting infections.

Since then, thousands of drugs have been manufactured to fight different types of diseases, some of them fatal in nature.

Problems related to new technologies

As you have seen, technological advances have undeniable advantages. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that these technological advances also bring with them some problems.

1. Technology in food 

the impact of technology on our lives

The more technology advances, the more the food industry offers prepared meals that are very well presented. The problem with these meals is that they contain preservatives that are harmful to health, in order to maintain this presentation. A clear consequence of this is the increase in obesity globally, in some countries more than others.

2. Technology and the sedentary lifestyle 

Nowadays, electronic devices provide optimal comfort. Technology allows us to do things that once were impossible. However, the consequence of this is the following observation: we adopt an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the frequent occurrence of health problems.

Here is an example: working on the computer for long hours is the main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.

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