Infusion Of Plantain Seeds: An Effective Remedy Against Constipation

If you suffer from constipation, it is advisable to adopt a diet rich in fiber to stimulate intestinal transit, and to always drink water on a regular basis. On the other hand, you can also use an effective natural remedy based on plantain bark. Find out how to prepare this infusion to naturally fight against constipation.

Plantain and its seeds are an excellent remedy for constipation.  This plant also has astringent, antioxidant, antibacterial, diuretic, laxative and emollient properties. Discover all the benefits of plantain and how to prepare an infusion based on its seeds to fight naturally and effectively against constipation disorders.

The plant and the seeds of the plantain contain multiple healing properties which allow, among other things, to treat the following disorders:

  • Conditions such as diarrhea, tonsillitis, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, ulcers and gastric lesions.
  • It also acts against kidney disease, diabetes and purifies impurities from the skin.

The elements conferring these properties on plantain are among others: glycosides, tannins, sulfur, oils and mucilages.

But first, let’s see what are the symptoms of constipation before explaining the benefits of this plant and how to prepare an infusion made from plantain seeds.

What are the most common symptoms of constipation?

plantain seeds to fight constipation

Anyone can be affected by constipation at any time of life. This is why you need to identify the times when you have constipation, that is, the times when you have a bowel movement less than three times a week, or when it is painful. In addition, these symptoms also go hand in hand with upset stomach and bloating.

Constipation is the difficulty in passing the bowels easily and at a normal frequency. With constipation, stools are usually painful and only occur on average 3 times a week. Other symptoms of constipation include:

  • Hard stools
  • Excessive effort when passing stool
  • Sensation of obstruction in the anorectal area
  • Feeling that there is no complete bowel movement

These symptoms interfere with the quality of life of those who suffer from them, as constipation causes a feeling of continuous heaviness. By feeling more crowded or with a feeling of heaviness, the person with chronic constipation has a reduced ability to perform even the simplest daily activities. Therefore it also affects self-esteem and morale as the symptoms of constipation cause a constant feeling of discomfort.

If you have identified two or more of these symptoms, you are probably suffering from constipation. So you need a good remedy to treat it as quickly as possible before it becomes chronic.

Think of plantain seeds as your natural and effective allies to fight constipation. Discover the benefits of this plant and how to prepare this natural remedy yourself at home.

What are the main causes of constipation?

Constipation is a common condition in today’s population, as the majority of cases are derived from a constant sedentary lifestyle and poor, little variety food choices. Its appearance reduces the quality of life of patients, because many residues are retained in the colon, causing inflammatory, gas and painful reactions.

Most worrying is that many people don’t know how to prevent and treat it, which makes it easier for other digestive health complications to develop. The causes of constipation can vary, but in general they are mainly due to the following factors:

  • A sedentary life. In order for the body and all our organs to function properly, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and play sports.
  • A diet low in fiber, which is the most common cause of constipation, indeed, a diet high in fiber is the key to healthy colon function.
  • Changes in habit, it is very common for constipation to occur when we travel, move, or when we eat foods that we are not used to eating regularly.
  • Too many laxatives or drugs. Irritating laxatives and some types of drugs destroy the delicate bacterial flora of the intestine, and completely alter their function. As soon as possible, you should replace these drugs with natural, non-irritating alternatives, while taking supplements for a while to regenerate the intestinal flora.
  • Permanent dehydration. Drinking little water is bad for your health and can cause many problems such as, for example, constipation. To pass stool, the body needs a certain degree of hydration. When the stool is shaped like small balls, it is very likely that the cause is dehydration.
  • A protein deficiency. A diet low in carbohydrates and protein can cause constipation, even if you are consuming fiber. This can be a problem for vegetarians or vegans who do not have a balanced diet.

What is the best remedy for constipation?

Constipation is a digestive disease that occurs when the bowel slows down its activity, which affects its ability to eliminate waste. The mucilages of the plantain are the main active ingredients that will help you fight against the symptoms of constipation.

These are plant substances, made up of polysaccharides, which swell on contact with water, taking on a viscous, sometimes sticky consistency, similar to gelatin. Mucilages are soluble fibers, so they will help the intestine to carry out waste in the normal way. This is due in particular to the following effects:

  • Mucilage helps people feel fuller.
  • On the other hand, they stimulate bowel movements and also promote evacuation, which makes them perfect for fighting constipation.
  • In addition, they increase the volume of feces and also protect the intestinal lining.

Pharmacological therapies to treat constipation include drugs made up of mucilages. Thanks to the properties of plantain, you will benefit from a natural and very economical remedy to effectively fight against constipation. It is a very easy plant to obtain in America and Europe, so you will be able to find it in any herbalist.

Other foods or herbs rich in mucilage, with the exception of plantain, include the following:

  • Linseed
  • Carob flour
  • Celery
  • Figs
  • Chia seeds
  • Green beans

Diets low in fiber and lack of exercise have a decisive influence on the onset of constipation, according to numerous studies . Indeed, it is essential to practice a physical activity every day to stimulate the various functions of the organs such as those which promote intestinal transit.

On the other hand, it is very important that while increasing the intake of fiber, you do the same with water. Otherwise, you could get the opposite effect and make the situation worse.

What does plantain contain and what are its benefits?

The plantain is a very versatile plant and each of its parts has a definite healing power. On the other hand, palantain seeds contain substances that promote the proper functioning of the digestive system as well as regular intestinal transit.

  • The leaves of the plantain are used to make poultices that help treat inflammation and insect bites.
  • Plantain infusion is useful for treating respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis and pharyngitis.
  • On the other hand, the bark and seeds of plantain also have very beneficial properties for the digestive system.

Plantain bark and its seeds are an excellent dewormer and laxative. This is the part of the plant that you should use for constipation. Only a small amount will be needed for great results.

Moreover, when the plantain seeds enter the digestive system, they absorb water and doubling in size. This effect leads to a direct increase in the volume of the intestine and thereby facilitates intestinal transit as well as the evacuation of stool.

Discover now a natural infusion to fight constipation disorders thanks to Plantain seeds.

Plantain seed remedy for constipation

infusion of plantain seeds

The preparation of this remedy for constipation is very simple and will only take you a few minutes. So take note of our advice for preparing this natural remedy based on plantain seeds and forget about constipation disorders.


  • 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds (5 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Honey (to your liking)


  • Add the water to a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the plantain seeds.
  • Let it boil for at least two minutes and turn off the heat.
  • Using a mortar, crush the seeds and let them rest for a moment.
  • Finally add honey to soften the preparation
  • You can also mix this remedy with citrus juice, if you want.

Consumption of this infusion of plantain seeds

It is advisable to consume only two cups per day of this infusion made from plantain seeds to treat constipation. Indeed, if it were consumed in high doses, it could be counterproductive and also cause diarrhea. On the other hand, you should consume this remedy on an empty stomach and after lunch.

During the days of treatment, also try to drink plenty of water. The seeds will swell when they come in contact with your gut, and if there isn’t enough water in them, it could cause some problems.

In addition, regular sports activity stimulates our organs and facilitates the elimination of the food bolus. For this reason, try as much as possible to walk, swim, or run for at least 30 minutes a day. 

Say goodbye to constipation with this natural remedy with this infusion of plantain seeds. Likewise, remember to consult your doctor beforehand to find out if you can consume plantain seeds according to your state of health and your digestive functioning.

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