I Prefer Decent Solitude To Bad Company

Achieving individual balance and being happy are the two prerequisites that will allow us to have a healthy relationship in our life. We should not look for a person who complements us, but one who complements us.

You have certainly experienced bad company before. Some people are selfish. They put their interests above those of others, and are neither sincere nor genuine. All of this can hurt us and have negative effects on our personality.

Our social and emotional relationships are not always as we imagined them to be.

However, a bad experience shouldn’t make us lose our confidence. We must not stop believing in the nobility and authenticity that can be found in some people.

On the other hand, one of the most unpleasant sensations that exists is the loneliness that we can feel. Even as we are by the side of a person we love.

Faced with this situation, some people prefer to be alone rather than poorly accompanied. We invite you to think about this question.

The pain of bad company

Let’s face it: unhappy relationships are not always due to bad company or selfish attitudes.

  • Some people don’t know how to love. They don’t understand what it’s like to share. Taking care of your partner and group is an effort that must be renewed every day, down to the smallest detail.
  • Other people have emotional deficiencies and are sorely lacking in emotional intelligence. Even if they love their partner, they can only offer him lack, unhappiness and loneliness.

We can sometimes feel that our partner is in bad company. But sometimes he just lacks emotional maturity. Which also causes a great feeling of unhappiness.

False relationships

There are a lot of people who cannot fully commit to a relationship. They only defend their own interests, such as:

  • Don’t want to be alone, even if it means getting together with someone they don’t like.
  • Formalize a relationship for economic purposes, or in the case of social aspirations.
  • Start a relationship to feel loved, cared for and cared for, without intending to offer their partner the same thing they are receiving.

Living a daily life based on a constant imbalance, in which only one of the two parties invests, cares and pays attention to the other, leads the relationship into an inexorable spiral of failure.

In this case, the best thing to do is to react in time. It is not recommended to stay in situations of unnecessary suffering.

If we are sure that the situation is not going to improve, that the other person is not ready to take a step forward towards a necessary change in attitude, then it is fundamental to move away gradually so as not to suffer too much.

Better loneliness with integrity than bad company

Make no mistake about it: loneliness is always better than the company of someone who makes you more vulnerable, and who damages your self-esteem and balance.

Don’t be afraid of loneliness

Many people suffer from an overwhelming fear of being alone. Most of the time, this is due to our society’s negative view of loneliness, as if it is a failure.

  • Not being in a relationship is not synonymous with failure. This is not necessary to be happy, and it is not an obligation to be able to count on a companion to be well seen socially. This is something that we have to totally demystify.
  • If we are not happy when we are alone, it is highly unlikely that we will be happy when we are in a relationship.

Loneliness is a stable and balanced state that allows us to grow as a person. It allows us to reorganize our life, to mature and to achieve some of our dreams and our goals.

  • Don’t be afraid of loneliness. But be afraid of a life in which you suffer alongside someone who says they love you, but actually only harms you.

Better loneliness with integrity than bad company.

Life is too short to live another person’s dreams

Tell yourself that the most important thing in life is to be good with yourself, and to achieve a state of happiness that allows us to feel alive, whether in solitude or in a relationship.

  • Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life. No one can tell you how happy you should be. To live is to choose with freedom, to take responsibility for your mistakes and to start new projects.
  • Don’t put your happiness in the hands of another person. Build a real couple, and make your relationship based on two individuals, not just one person.
  • If you think your life is based solely on the choices, decisions, and opinions of another person, take action. Sooner or later you will experience frustration and some uneasiness.

Life is too short to live another person’s dreams, and to forget all the things that make us feel alive.

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