How To Remove Scars From The Skin?

If you want to remove your scars, you can use onion, as it stimulates collagen production and improves the appearance of the skin. Apply the solution with a cotton ball to the affected area.

Scars or marks on the skin remain after an injury, acne pimple, scrape, or other ailments. You can remove scars with natural remedies.

The causes can be various but the recipes that you will discover in this article can be of great use to you.

Read on to learn how to remove scars from the skin.

Folk remedies for removing scars

Before moving on to homemade recipes, however, it is good to know that there are three types of scars or marks on the skin.

There are those produced by cuts (accidents, surgery, blows, falls, shaving), by burns (fire, hot, cold) and by diseases (such as chickenpox).

Among these symptoms is red or pink colored skin.

In order to be able to remove scars faster, then you can use the following natural remedies and recipes:

  • Squeeze the juice from one lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of milk. Spread this mixture over the area and when it is dry, apply the pulp of an aloe vera stalk, and cover with a gauze or bandage. Leave it on overnight and in the morning, apply a moisturizer (like an after-tan).
  • Aloe vera can be used as a poultice to erase scars, if applied daily to the affected area, and always at night.
  • Get some large seashells, crush them with a mortar and mix them with water to make a paste, which you will apply to the scar every day.
  • Then exfoliate your skin with a mixture of a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of honey. Use gentle circular motions and rinse.
  • Vitamin E capsules can also help you heal an injury and reduce it in a matter of days. Apply its content on it at least once a day for a week.
  • Crush two tablespoons of fresh calendula petals or a tablespoon of dry flowers with 4 tablespoons of warm wheat germ oil.
    Apply several times a day. This remedy is ideal for scars produced by acne.
  • Add two handfuls of chamomile flowers in a liter of boiling water to prepare an herbal tea. Then make a compress to apply cold, and this will be useful for minor injuries.
  • Mix in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid 15 drops of sage essential oil, 15 drops of rosehip and a spoonful of almond oil. Then heat everything and spread on the skin using a piece of cotton. Remove in the morning with lukewarm water.

The almonds to eliminate scars.

These remedies are also effective:

  • Mix a whole egg (white, yolk and shell) in half a cup of hydrogen peroxide. Apply daily to the scar.
  • Mix two tablespoons of bean flour with 7 drops of milk. Apply this paste on the wound every day.
  • In a liter of water, boil 10 ripe seedless loquats for 20 minutes. Filter and soak a cloth in the resulting liquid, then apply it (when it’s cold) to the affected area.
  • Cut an onion into rings and put it in a container. In another container, mix 3 grams of salt with 10 grams of liquid soap.
    Put all the ingredients in a bain-marie for 15 minutes. Let cool while stirring.
    With a coffee filter, strain and keep the remaining liquid in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
    Spread it on the scar every day with a piece of cotton.
  • Put in the blender half a cup of honey, 1/3 of a cup of raw oats and 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, mixing for a few moments.
    Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a glass container and with an airtight seal. Apply with a massage on the affected area, wait 2 hours and wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy every day.
  • Pour a spoonful of tiger grass leaves (Asian centella) in a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Apply to the affected area by soaking a piece of cotton wool every day.

Additional techniques against scars:

  • Macerate 40 grams of fresh burdock root in a liter of olive oil. Leave for two weeks and then apply to the scar every day with a cotton ball.
  • Boil half a liter of milk, remove the thicker cream and put it in the freezer until it is solid. Put it on the wound for 20 minutes, supporting with a band. Repeat daily until the injury goes away.

Milk to remove scars.

  • Crush some pineapple slices and apply them directly to the scar. It is a home remedy for removing acne marks that should not be overlooked.
  • Baking soda also acts as a microdermabrasive. Dilute five doses of baking soda in one dose of water and make a paste. Massage the scar with this paste for a few minutes. Let it dry and rinse it off completely with lukewarm water. You can repeat this two or three times a week.
  • Cocoa butter is not difficult to obtain and it helps erase scars naturally. It is a great homemade moisturizer because it moisturizes the area of ​​the injury so that the healing process is faster.

Tips for removing scars

  • The sun is a bad element for your scars because it darkens them and they become more difficult to remove.
  • When an injury appears, it should be treated immediately, by cleaning and disinfecting the area.
  • The wound should also remain covered for the first few days, even while showering, so that it does not get wet or get soap into it.
  • Finally, do not remove the scabs because you will increase the risk of permanent scars and infections.

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