How To Eliminate The Salt Accumulated In Your Body

Besides having to drink a lot of water, did you know parsley can help you purify your kidneys? These are responsible for filtering the blood to remove excess salt.

The salt is one of the most condiments present in the vast majority of all cuisines. Indeed, it gives a special flavor to all meals. However, some studies carried out in recent years tend to show that this product has a very negative impact on the health of those who consume it. What is most worrying about all of this is that the majority of people consume it in excess.

Certainly our bodies require a little salt, or sodium, to function properly. But that doesn’t mean we should abuse it. P everal experts agree that it must remove it entirely from the diet. It is better to get this dose of sodium from other foods.

Excessive salt intake can lead to serious health problems over time. Heart disease, stroke, among other pathologies, can occur. In addition, it is said to be one of the main causes of water retention and swelling.

By changing the bad habit of consuming too much salt, it is possible to free our body from all the salt it has accumulated.

Tips for eliminating accumulated salt in the body

Excess salt has a negative impact on our body.

  • Consume more water:  Experts recommend drinking between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day. Although it seems illogical, drinking water stimulates the elimination of excess fluid retained in the body and, at the same time, excess sodium. They are both excreted in urine. This good habit helps us to cleanse our body, keep us hydrated and reduce swelling in the body.
  • Eliminate salt from the diet:  For many, salt cannot be lacking in everyday meals. The ideal is to look for other ways to give food a good flavor. Consume minimal doses of salt, preferably in homemade dishes. Be aware that salt is present in excess in cold meats, canned foods and soups, frozen dishes, junk food, among others. Instead of consuming these kinds of foods, you need to start increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. These help eliminate excess salt in your body once digested.
  • Replace Salt:  Eliminating this condiment from your diet can be simple. You can start to get used to replacing it with healthier alternatives. For example  garlic, fresh black pepper, curry, parsley, oregano and rosemary.
  • Exercise:  It is recommended to do aerobic exercise daily, or any other type of activity that promotes sweating. When we walk, dance, jog, cycle or go to the sauna, we free our body from impurities and excess salt, through perspiration. Just remember to take a bottle of water with you with each exercise session.

Parsley to eliminate the salt accumulated in our body

The infusion of parsley helps to remove the salt accumulated in the body.

Parsley is an ingredient well known for its ability to cleanse the kidneys and stimulate toxin elimination through urine. The kidneys play an extremely important role in detoxifying our body. They are the ones who are responsible for filtering the blood to remove excess salt. All other toxic substances are also reduced in the body.

How can parsley help us?

To enjoy all the benefits of parsley to cleanse the kidneys, prepare yourself an infusion of this plant. Use a handful of chopped parsley leaves. Boil it in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Once it is ready, let it rest and consume preferably on an empty stomach. The rest of the infusion can be kept cool and consumed several times during the day.


  • To increase the effects of this drink, it is very important to take into account the previous recommendations and drink it on a very regular basis.
  • In addition to helping cleanse the body, this drink is ideal for fighting water retention, preventing blood pressure and losing weight. Obviously, its benefits are only possible if it is consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle.

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