How To Boost Metabolism With Green Tea And Cayenne Pepper

We already know that green tea promotes weight loss, just like cayenne pepper, thanks to its high content of capsaicin. What would happen if we combined them to speed up our metabolism?

Cayenne pepper and green tea have similar properties, if we look only at their action on the metabolism.

For this reason, a group of scientists conducted a study to determine how to boost metabolism with green tea and cayenne pepper. You can know all the conclusions in this article.

You know that green tea is one of the best ingredients for weight loss. So what if we eat these two foods at the same time?

Metabolism and Food

There are different foods that have the ability to increase and speed up the metabolism and energy that we use on a daily basis. They are known as “thermogenic” because they allow the body to burn more calories than it usually does.

All foods that contain two substances in particular have this ability. We will reveal them to you later.

The so-called “hot” substances are capsaicin (for hot foods) and catechin (found in tea).  They can boost metabolism up to 5% more per day (around 100 calories) and burn around 16% more fat.

Green tea for weight loss.

Capsaicin to boost metabolism

If you have ever consumed a very hot chili pepper on your plate, you have already experienced this burning sensation in your eyes, nose, mouth, throat and stomach. You may have cried, sweated, or felt very thirsty after doing this.

All of this is caused by capsaicin. This component of spicy foods helps to stimulate the functions of the metabolism. The bad news is, if you drink a glass of cold water right after, the fire won’t leave your mouth. If you have ever had a chili pepper, your best bet is to drink a glass of milk to reduce the effects.

Capsaicin activates “emergency” hormones like adrenaline and dopamine. Some of the effects of these hormones are making the heart beat faster, breathing faster and deeper, transferring fat and glucose to the blood so that the muscles are ready for action.

Green tea and chili.
There are different foods and condiments that contain large amounts of capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper for example.

You don’t have to suffer too much to lose weight, because all  you need to do is add a few pinches of it to all your meals.

The good news is that it will add flavor to your recipes, and your metabolism will kick in slowly, without overly violent consequences like inflammation of the mouth and tongue, as well as unquenchable thirst or excessive sweating.

Catechin to stimulate metabolism

This substance has properties similar to capsaicin. Green tea contains a lot of catechin, but also caffeine, which increases the powers of this beneficial substance for our body, even if we do not perceive it in our mouth, as in the case of capsaicin.

In addition, green tea contains antioxidant phytochemicals, which help stimulate the oxidation of fat, through the activation of enzymes that metabolize food.

Drinking green tea dramatically increases your levels of norepinephrine, a hormone that has the power to block certain enzymes. Much like capsaicin, your body goes on high alert, ready to exercise or for a moment of action.

This does not mean that after consuming green tea you can go for a marathon, but that your body has the ability to function faster.

Green tea in infusion.
Green tea does not help everyone to lose weight, although various studies confirm that it is one of the best foods for weight loss.

This ineffectiveness in some people is due to different reasons, such as heredity. Asians, for example, get more benefit from green tea than Caucasians. But this is not 100% reliable, as there are exceptions.

How to combine green tea and cayenne pepper

There are no recipes that combine green tea and cayenne pepper to make it a real dish. But what you can start doing right now is adding these two foods into your daily diet.

If you incorporate capsaicin and catechin in your body, your body will immediately begin to metabolize food faster, which will allow you to burn more calories and fat.

Another of the benefits of these two components is their power to calm sudden urges to eat. Which occur at any time of the day and are often satisfied through fatty and salty foods.

They will gradually reduce your appetite, and help you gain more strength and energy. To fulfill your daily obligations.

What Are Other Foods That Boost Metabolism?

In addition to green tea and cayenne pepper, if you want to boost your metabolism and burn fat faster, do not hesitate to consume any of the following foods:

Whole grains

These are, for example, oats and brown rice. Whole grains are packed with carbohydrates and complex nutrients. Which stabilize insulin levels and speed up metabolism.

They give you a lot of energy, and are much healthier than foods with a lot of sugar.

Oats and green tea.


Broccoli is high in calcium, which is great for reducing fat. But this vegetable will also provide you with vitamins A, C and K. One serving of broccoli will provide you with dietary fiber and ideal antioxidants to boost the body’s metabolism.

Vegetable broths

In order to benefit from all the nutrients in vegetables, you should choose them fresh and not use industrial vegetable broths.

If you consume a bowl of soup before lunch or dinner (as a starter), you will be able to boost your metabolism before ingesting solid food, and you will consume less food.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like orange have the ability to keep your metabolism going. This is due to their high content of vitamin C, which helps reduce the insulin imbalance in the blood.

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