How To Avoid Contracting The Coronavirus While Shopping

Although containment guidelines allow us to go to the supermarket to stock up, it is important that we learn how to prevent the coronavirus when we do. our races. In this article, we give you some guidelines to keep in mind when going foraging.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted all aspects of our lives. Let’s think together about how to prevent the coronavirus when we go shopping, because we have to stock up on food and we cannot avoid going to the supermarket.

One of the best-known characteristics of COVID-19 is its high contagiousness. Although the lethality is not among the highest, it has a high rate of transmission and spreads rapidly.

Thus, prevention of the coronavirus during shopping should be an additional priority in states of generalized quarantine. Otherwise, isolation in homes becomes unnecessary if we generate pockets of infection elsewhere.

Currently, more than 180,000 people are infected worldwide, with a total of 7,103. China has the most cases, with around 81,000, followed by Italy as the most affected non-Asian country, with almost 28,000 confirmed cases. In France, there are 7,730 confirmed cases, and a gradual increase is expected. As these numbers are subject to change quickly, you can view them here.

Specifically, the intention of social isolation measures is to spread contagion over time to give health systems an edge in responding to it. Preventing the coronavirus during races is another link in the prevention chain.

Social distancing and shopping

The recommended distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus is at least one meter. Supermarkets cannot ignore it. For customers inside their premises or queuing outside, this minimum distance must be established and respected.

This must be accompanied by strict control over entry and stay on the premises. We can maintain the distance of one meter as long as there are not too many customers crowded.

Different supermarket chains have protocols for dealing with crowds. It will be up to each company to decide how to apply them. When mandatory quarantine applies, business considerations alone do not shape the decision. There is a legal obligation dictated by public health issues.

To go shopping

Wear gloves to prevent coronavirus while shopping?

The massive use of gloves to grab food at the supermarket is not an indication at this time. It would not be a measure that would improve the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19.

The use of gloves when handling fruit is always recommended as a general measure of good hygiene. However, these hygiene measures must always be present, and even more so during a pandemic.

Frequent hand washing, or the use of alcohol gels, as well as cleaning and ventilation of premises, are applicable in supermarkets. Preventing the spread of the coronavirus during shopping is one of a series of good habits essential for social coexistence.

Prevent the spread of coronaviruses at the time of settlement

The moment of payment at the supermarket checkout is a moment of contact and agglomeration. This is why certain specific measures are imposed. It is necessary to consider that there is the distance between the members of the queue and the distance to the human cashier.

The use of cash is preferably to be avoided. If possible, payment should be made with virtual wallets or cards that reduce contact. The fact that COVID-19 remains on the surface of certain objects makes it necessary to think about the most appropriate method of payment.

The checkout lines are the responsibility of the supermarket. They should be disinfected frequently and hydroalcoholic gels should be made available to cashiers so that they can serve each customer. As we have already specified, it is not necessary to wear gloves at the checkouts.

A woman shopping while wearing a mask

Is it possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus by shopping?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary. Preventing coronaviruses at the time of purchase is another measure that helps slow the transmission of COVID-19.

It is also part of social responsibility. It is understood that people with symptoms such as fever or cough should not go to supermarkets for the duration of their symptoms. They have to be arranged for someone else to provide them.

Purchasing food is essential for survival, but it is also an area of ​​human contact subject to the vicissitudes of the pandemic. We must not panic, because the premises will remain open and there will be no shortage. We just have to be responsible for ourselves and our fellow citizens.

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