Family Day: The Best Gift Life Can Give Us

Even though we tend to think of family as the only blood connection we have, we should widen this circle and include it our best friends.

On May 15, we celebrate Family Day, as decided by the United Nations.

Each year, this festival is focused on a concrete theme linked to this magical relationship between members of the same family, united or not by blood.

This year the theme is “the need to build healthy lives and a sustainable future”.

The family is this first social and personal circle in which we educate our children. We transmit our values, our behaviors and the models to emulate.

Building a lifestyle that allows us to build a more sustainable and ecological future is, without a doubt, an obligation towards future generations and for the good of the planet.

Today in this article we invite you to celebrate this special day of the family.

Family Day: a bond born from the heart and which unites us to the world

The important thing for a family is not to live together or to agree on everything.

The main thing is to be united despite the distance. To know how to respect each other, to value each other for who we are and what defines us. 

Being from the same family means “knowing how to build relationships”. And as we know, it’s not always easy.

But we must be aware that this May 15th is viewed by many people with skepticism.

Indeed, many are the people who suffered from disillusions that made them stop believing in this primary entity of society and human being.

We therefore suggest that you consider the following ideas.

Family is not only a matter of blood, but also an act of loyaltyfamily day

You may not get along very well with some members of your family. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should stop trusting the word family.

  • The family is a network of diverse individuals united by tenderness, love and respect. You don’t need to have a genetic component. Family is also the people you choose. 
  • Parents are given to us by a family tree. However, it is the relationships that we establish with them that erect or not this authentic affection and this emotional enrichment that brings us happiness.
  • Sometimes a grandmother becomes a real “mother”. And sometimes, a mother can also fulfill the role of father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins ​​…

Each circumstance is unique and exceptional. It is always our heart that dictates to us who our authentic family is. So we can put our friends there as well.

Big families, small families

  • Families have many shapes, colors, names, and internal dynamics that only their members know.

There are large families, with many siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandchildren.

All on good terms, all enjoying meetings, support where distance does not exist and where comfort and help take precedence over the rest.

  • There are single-parent families, where a single progenitor carries their children with courage and many efforts, giving everything for their children and feeding on their morning smiles, conversations, complicity and shared dreams.

Families, treasures that we must not neglect

It is important to know that families are large entities formed by small islands.

Likewise, we form our own families with our spouse, these friends who also turn into siblings, and perhaps these children who arrive in time.

  • Families are treasures to be cared for, wherever they come from.

Sometimes when we are immersed in our personal plans with our spouse, children and work, we tend to neglect our parents, uncles and aunts, whom we love so much and don’t see as much as we should.

  • We carry them in our hearts, without a doubt, but all affection requires a continuous bond of words, affection, little details and joys to offer. 
  • Do not neglect them. Visit them, have family reunions, promote the union of yours with your family and also with the parents of your spouse, even your friends.

Here are some positive experiences that help us all socialize, build new relationships that build up what we call cognitive reserve.

It is necessary to listen, to take advantage of our own, to be present, to encourage joys before arguments, to be patient, to forgive, to unite our efforts, and as the United Nations suggests to us, to build healthy habits and work for a sustainable future.

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