Discover The Benefits Of Reading At Night For Your Brain

The benefits of reading at night for the brain work both psychologically and physically. Plus, reading at night might even help prevent certain illnesses.

A book is a great nighttime companion for many people. Navigating between its pages, savoring stories, diving into the minds of its characters allows you to disconnect from the mental noise that sometimes makes us suffer so much. In fact, reading at night has many benefits for our brain.

It is indeed not a simple pleasant activity. It also brings a lot of other positive aspects that most people don’t even imagine. For example, it is  a way to nourish our mind, to stimulate it and to seduce it. Remember that reading before bed is an old tradition. There must be a reason.

So  what does this popular hobby bring us? How does it benefit us and how does it affect our mind? Let’s dig deeper.

Main benefits of reading at night

read at night

1. Increase empathy

Reading, whatever it is,  improves the reader’s level of empathy. This  study by a team of researchers from the University of Toronto  confirms this.

In it, an experiment was carried out in which a group of people had to read a series of stories (some short and some longer), all from the literary field. This theme was chosen because the researchers considered that informational reading does not participate in the same way in the creative process.

The results were interesting to say the least. The more inflexible people (lower tolerance) increased their level of empathy after reading certain stories.

2. Reading at night is good exercise for the brain

Another benefit of reading at night is that it works our brains, both physically and mentally. Just as we can exercise to enjoy a healthier and more flexible body, we can also exercise our brain. In this way, we will be able to enjoy better memory and promote a faster brain.

When we read before going to bed, our brain kicks in. What at first seems a trivial activity is, in reality, a strengthening of the organ, which continues to nourish itself with knowledge and new concepts.

3. Reduces the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease

As  this study by Dr. Khalsa suggests,  reading may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Although this cannot be absolutely assured, since  multiple factors affect its development, it is true that reading forces the mind to think and, in this way, to be active.

4. Helps us escape and release emotions

It doesn’t matter if it’s a detective story, romance, or essay. As long as the content interests us and motivates us to continue reading, we will release emotions that we might not have been able to express otherwise.

Who hasn’t felt  their heart rate speed up when they reach the most tense part of the story? How many times have we been moved by the end of a story? Reading is, to say the least, a pleasant way to release tension and immerse yourself in a different and stimulating reality.

read at night

5. Promotes the acquisition of a new vocabulary

Reading helps us discover new words and increase our vocabulary. In the case of the little ones, it is a very beneficial tool to start cultivating and learning new terms that may be of use to them. 

We can try to read with them, every day, for a little while. If they get used to it, they will soon start to do it on their own. In addition, it is a good way for them to acquire good habits and not to focus so much on new technologies (such as excessive use of the mobile or the computer).

Read when you feel like it

It is not only advisable to read at night. Anytime is a good time to enjoy the benefits of reading, whether in bed, on the sofa after lunch, or anytime you are free.

As the saying goes, “ knowledge  does not take place”. There are tons of themes and countless storylines that may interest you, so don’t look for excuses. Pamper your brain and take care of your happiness: immerse yourself in books and enjoy the good they can do for you.

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