Detoxify Your Body!

Whole grains have antioxidant properties and are very nutritious. The fibers they contain help us eliminate toxins. Pineapple also contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and stimulates digestion.

Sometimes our body comes to a point where sluggishness, fatigue, drowsiness and weakness take over. In addition, we suffer from a lack of vitality and energy. In short, our body no longer responds as usual!

This drop in diet is due to several factors that can negatively influence our body and our health in general: an unbalanced diet, consumption or exposure to harmful substances, ingestion of food supplements without knowing their composition, etc.

This state is therefore the result of an accumulation of toxins in our body. The solution ? Detoxify the body by following the recommendations in the following article!

Why do you have to detoxify your body?

We are exposed to many types of pollution: toxic waste lying around in the atmosphere, cosmetics containing a high level of chemicals, food grown with pesticides, etc.

It is therefore very difficult to avoid exposure to these harmful elements that surround us. These will have harmful effects on our body when we breathe them in or assimilate them.

Our digestive system is a source of energy and information for the rest of the body. This is why we must have a healthy diet to be able to eliminate the toxic residues that pollute our body.

Here are some simple methods to detoxify your body!

Fasting with liquids

If juices are your thing, this liquid-based fasting method is for you. It consists of replacing the meals that we take daily with water and fruit or vegetable juices, as well as infusions.

This means not only to eliminate toxins, but also dead cells. It also rejuvenates the skin and revitalizes the body. It is still necessary to consult a doctor before embarking on such a restrictive diet.

Better daily nutrition

This method allows you to replace foods that are not very useful for your body with other foods that are more purifying and more energetic. You will feel lighter with more vitality.

It is best to include this method in your diet for a long time to better detoxify the body.

You can, if you wish, start by consuming only the following foods for a deeper purification: the recommended foods are green leafy vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole products and white meats. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too!

Detoxification of the body: our 11 recommendations

Recommendation n ° 1: lemon juice

 organism and lemon.

Lemon is well known for its many uses and its incredible properties make it the ultimate detox food.

Indeed, lemon juice helps disinfect wounds, purify the blood, liver and kidneys, strengthen the bronchi and tone the nerves!

A spoon of this juice in a glass of hot water is a great way to cleanse our body from gastrointestinal poisoning and other throat infections, and it’s even better if we consume it on an empty stomach.

You just have to mix the water you drink daily with the lemon juice, and you will see the change!

Recommendation n ° 2: orange juice

Orange is known to be a delicious sun fruit and a source of energy. It contains vitamin A, B2, B1, B6 and C, in addition to some minerals.

Consuming orange juice for breakfast helps fill the body with energy, cleanse the digestive tract, promote blood circulation and heal wounds.

Recommendation n ° 3: grapes

Besides being a very delicious fruit, grapes are one of the best detoxifying foods for the body. It contains vitamin B and potassium, and it treats many diseases: rheumatism, gout, arthritis, kidney problems, hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

It also has laxative properties, and the infusion of its leaves is very effective against diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Recommendation n ° 4: beetroot

Beetroot mainly provides folic acid, iron and vitamin A. In addition, according to some, it is the only way to fight against osteoporosis.

It is also very beneficial in treating anemia, jaundice, lack of appetite, anxiety, and infections of the bladder, liver, and kidneys.

Likewise, beetroot eliminates uric acid, relieves symptoms of menopause and prevents the appearance of myomas. Regular consumption 3 times a week could go a long way in cleaning the blood and purifying the body!

Recommendation n ° 5: the apple


The apple is highly recommended for people who want to follow a slimming diet. Why ? Simply because it contains a high rate of fiber, which makes it ideal for cleansing the body.

It also contains potassium and vitamin E and C, and acts as a laxative, as a diuretic and as a cleansing agent.

It dissolves cholesterol and controls diabetes and hypertension. Finally, the apple brings a feeling of relaxation and vitality!

Recommendation n ° 6: fishing

It is an excellent fruit to include in a slimming diet, because it is low in calories, has laxative and diuretic properties and offers vitamin A, B1, B2 and C.

You can consume the peach in a tea by cutting it into pieces and boiling it for a minute. Drink two glasses on an empty stomach, as this will cleanse your body, hydrate your skin and rebuild tissues!

Recommendation n ° 7: strawberries

This fruit is rich in iron, folic acid, salicylic acid and vitamin C. Consuming strawberries also helps eliminate uric acid (which causes gout) and cholesterol.

This fruit also has diuretic and anti-rheumatic properties, in addition to being anti-inflammatory and astringent. On the other hand, the strawberry would be very effective against anemia and diabetes.

Recommendation n ° 8: the gumbo

Gumbo can be used in many ways and contains a significant amount of fiber, vitamins B1 and B6, folic acid, niacin, iron and calcium. Gumbo balls detoxify the body and are also an effective ally against constipation.

Recommendation n ° 9: cucumber for the body

Cucumber is very beneficial for the skin and for the body in general. Diuretic and depurative, it helps fight against gallstones and kidney stones, and it also treats infections of the prostate and diseases of the nervous system.

It is consumed naturally and you can even season it with lemon.

Recommendation n ° 10: pineapple

As it is a purifying fruit, pineapple is a food widely used in slimming diets. It also contains fiber and vitamin C, and it stimulates digestion and intestinal activity while eliminating parasites.

Eat it in slices or in juice: it’s a great way to start your day!

Recommendation no.11: whole grains

Foods high in fiber carry toxins through the digestive tract until they are eliminated  Opting for whole grains is a very good choice, especially because they contain antioxidant properties and are very nutritious.

Final advice to preserve your organism

Now all you have to do is choose the method that works best for you and set your goal, not forgetting to eat healthy. Indeed, it is essential to stay in good health!

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