Cucumber Against Water Retention

To make your cucumber drink even more delicious and refreshing, add a few drops of lemon to it.

Fluids regularly escape from the blood to find their way into the tissues of our body. The lymphatic system is a network throughout the body that drains this fluid (called lymph) into the tissues. Fluid retention occurs when fluid is not removed from the tissues. Discover in this article the uses of cucumber against water retention!

The two main categories of fluid retention include generalized edema when inflammation occurs throughout the body, and localized edema when certain parts of the body are affected. Discover in this article the uses of cucumber against water retention!

There are many causes of water retention. It could be a reaction of the body to heat, a high salt intake, or hormones related to the menstrual cycle.

However, we recommend that you consult a doctor. And above all, not to take care of yourself. This is because edema can be a symptom of a serious disease, whether in the heart, kidneys or liver.

Symptoms of fluid retention

Symptoms of fluid retention can include:

  • Swelling of affected parts of the body. Usually the feet, ankles and hands are affected.
  • Affected body parts can hurt.
  • Joints can be stiff.
  • There is a rapid increase in weight within a few days or even a few weeks.
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations.
  • When you squeeze the skin, you can see how it contains blood for a few seconds (edema taking the cup).
  • In other cases, the skin may not bleed when squeezed (edema without the cup).

Cucumber against water retention

The nutrients of cucumber

You should know that cucumber contains about 45 calories with the skin. So we can say that drinking a glass of water with a slice of cucumber in it is really beneficial. This allows us to replace energy drinks or refreshments while reducing the amount of calories ingested.

As soon as the cucumber comes into contact with water, some of its nutrients are found directly in the latter. Cucumber has a low amount of calories and a high water content, components indicated to eliminate water retention.

This way, you can use cucumber as the main ingredient to make very rich water. It will help you remove excess fluids from your body!

Cucumber water is diuretic, which means that it can help us against water retention, which, we remember, is one of the main causes of weight gain.

The nutrients of cucumber

However, cucumber also contains vitamin C which can help us. And yes, thanks to it, we protect ourselves against deficiencies of the immune system, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases and even wrinkles on the skin. Vitamin K helps us to clot the blood and keep our bones strong.

Vitamin A is the key to good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth. The potassium in cucumber can lower cholesterol and also lower high blood pressure.

Iron, on the other hand, carries oxygen which gives life to our blood cells. Finally, calcium helps in the growth of bones. But that’s not all, there are many more benefits!

Cucumber water is diuretic

Obviously, the quantity of these elements depends on the number of pieces that we put in the water. The more cucumber you use, the more nutrients you will have, it makes sense. Fight water retention with one cucumber for every two liters of water. We then advise you to drink these two liters throughout the day.

Water is a good way to clean toxins from our body. In addition, cucumber water also has a high amount of fiber. Fiber helps digestion and helps you eat less. And we have to say that better digestion of food can also help you lose weight!

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