Benefits And Different Uses Of Lemon Peel

We must keep in mind that lemon peel contains even more vitamins than its juice. To enjoy all its benefits, we just need to freeze it, then grate its zest.

We all know the multiple benefits of lemon, but we often lose most of its properties, shedding its skin.

Traditionally, we are used to using only the juice of this delicious citrus fruit, for culinary or medicinal purposes.

However, we are unaware of the healing properties of lemon which are located in its skin. It would contain between 5 and 10 times more vitamins than juice.

What are the benefits of lemon peel?

  • Lemon peel contains many very important medicinal substances such  as essential oil, lemongrass, phellandrene, vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, hesperidin or pectin, among others.
  • Among its many properties, lemon peel has  the ability to eliminate toxins present in the body. It therefore has a strong rejuvenating power.
  • It helps fight abdominal swelling,  thereby reducing intestinal gas.
  • In addition, it helps cleanse the liver  thanks to its detoxifying effects. They stimulate the elimination of toxic substances and accumulated waste.
  • It promotes digestion  and prevents constipation problems.
  • Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, as well as other vitamins, lemon peel is a powerful fortifier for our immune system, helping us to prevent infections like the flu, colds and many respiratory problems.
  • It promotes alkalinity of the blood.
  • Likewise, it helps lower high blood pressure.
  • It helps fight nervousness.
  • It is antiseptic.
  • In addition, it eliminates excess fat accumulated in the skin,  thanks to its astringent properties.
  • It helps to whiten the spots located on the skin or on the teeth.
  • It has a strong anticarcinogenic power,  which allows the disintegration of malignant tumors.

Lemon peel, a powerful anti-cancer food

Lemon peel therapy

Recent studies have shown that lemon peel has very powerful substances. They  can be up to 10 times more effective than chemotherapy in fighting cancer cells.

Its detoxifying effects and the high amount of nutrients it contains allow it to be one of the key elements in the prevention of a large number of cancers.

A recently published study found, after more than 20 clinical tests since the 1970s, that lemon peel extract can destroy malignant cells in more than 12 different types of cancer.

Among these pathologies, we find breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, or pancreatic cancer.

The most amazing thing is that lemon peel has no side effects on the body. Unlike many drugs that are used to treat cancer.

How to enjoy the benefits of lemon peel?

Most of the time, the lemon peel is only used in the form of zest. it is then used to prepare desserts, or other types of dishes, because it brings a very particular bitter flavor.

However, taking into account all of its benefits that we have just listed, it seems essential to start including it regularly in your diet, by following these few tips:

  • Wash the lemon well and put it in the freezer so that it is completely frozen, before using it.
    Once this is done, you can grate it entirely. So you will enjoy the benefits of its skin, or mix it entirely.
    You can use the zest to garnish your soups, salads, juices, pasta, sauces, rice, sushi or fish dishes, for example.
  • When you feel like drinking a lemonade, mix it with lemon peel. You will enjoy 100% of the benefits of this fabulous citrus fruit.
    The flavor will be a little more bitter, but your lemonade will be just as delicious and refreshing.
  • Use lemon zest to give your whiskey, wine or vodka cocktails a special flavor.

Lemon zest tea

Lemon peel tea is another great alternative to reap all the benefits of regular consumption of whole lemon.

This tea is ideal for detoxifying the body, eliminating toxins and fighting free radicals. These accumulate in our body due to environmental pollution, chemicals, cigarette smoke or poor diet, among other reasons.

In addition, this tea is antibacterial, antimicrobial. It is an ideal ally to fight colds thanks to its high content of vitamin C.


  • 1 liter of water
  • The skin and juice of 2 lemons
  • Honey or stevia

How to prepare it? 

  • First, you must put the skin of the two lemons to boil in the liter of water, for at least 15 minutes.
  • Then remove your saucepan from the heat and add the juice of the two lemons.
  • Finally, add a little honey or stevia, to your liking.

Lemon tea can be drunk cold or hot, after each meal. However, it is best to drink it before breakfast, that is, on an empty stomach.

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