Being Free Attracts Opportunity

Being free is sometimes frowned upon in today’s society. Free people quickly seem inconsistent, incomprehensible, difficult to follow. But this freedom brings many benefits.

Dare to challenge limits and never forget that you deserve to be free. You can do it.

Adopting a positive attitude is fundamental to finding this precious freedom and happiness.

Free people attract opportunities because they are available,  they show openness and motivation.

They don’t get attached to something that might hinder their success.

Many of us already know that freedom is an extremely precious commodity which, much more than a reality, takes place as an aspiration, something that is infeasible, beyond our reach.

Certain family relationships, relationships, responsibilities or even  our own thoughts act as real walls that enclose our aspirations,  preventing us from moving forward.

We invite you to take a few minutes to reflect on this subject.

By being free we attract our dreams, our aspirations

The idea that you have to be free to attract opportunities goes beyond the simple law of attraction. This is mainly a specific type of attitude that is worth putting into practice.

Desires and wishes do not come true by magic, they do not come by magic.

Quietude and expectation are not always the best weapons of action, but they are those of the mind.

Therefore, the emotions we generate by being patient allow us to trigger the engines of action.

Now, it is necessary to clarify an essential aspect. When we speak of free people, we are by no means referring to people devoid of emotional ties or ties.

You don’t have to be single to be free in your head.

We refer first of all to the following aspects which will undoubtedly be of great help to us if we take the time to think about them.

No matter what you wear, your attitude is your best outfit

Our attitude is an armor that can withstand the fiercest battles, even those against a hardened enemy who wishes to defeat us at any cost.

Our attitude is the most beautiful garment we can put on every morning when we leave our house.

  • Attitude is a set of beliefs, values, motivations, and goals that define a person at any given time.
  • Our attitude should never be determined by what others expect of us, otherwise we will never be free.
  • A person who displays a strong and free attitude knows full well what his needs and goals are. In addition, she is always sincere and consistent in these actions and words.

To be free, we must absolutely believe that we deserve it

First, we have to truly believe that we deserve something in order to get it. It’s that simple.

However, just because this reasoning is as easy as hello doesn’t mean we apply it every time we should.

  • First of all, we have to realize that there is a small difference between what we want and what is doable. The limit is in objectivity.

An example: We may wish to win millions of euros, but it is obvious that despite our efforts and our determination it will not happen overnight.

  • We all deserve to be happy, there’s no question; that is why it is worth fighting for. Nothing and no one can stand in the way of us if we show respect.
  • Freedom is a door that opens to us if we arm ourselves with a great dose of bravery. That is why it is necessary to convince ourselves that we deserve it, that we have the right to make our dreams come true.

We must absolutely dare to take the plunge, leaving our fears aside.

be free

Opportunities lie beyond this fear-controlled border

To achieve victory, it is essential to know our enemies in order to be able to defeat them.

However, it often happens that the  real fears are the fruit of our thoughts, they are seldom made of bones and flesh.

  • The fear we feel when we imagine how those around us will react when we tell them out loud what we want to do. For example, changing jobs, going back to school, moving, traveling to the other side of the world, changing air, etc.
  • The belief that we are going to fail: this is a very common fear. Low self-esteem and low self-image lead us to believe that we are incapable of being successful.

It is worth remembering once again that we deserve to make our dreams come true, to achieve our goals.

That’s why the thoughts that limit us are our real enemies. Just like ideas that force us to be content with what we have, such as “the tide has turned”, “my luck has passed”…

Being free is an uplifting feeling: allow yourself to feel it

Being free without your head and without a heart is  a feeling that is just as rewarding as it is productive. 

It is enough to be aware of our qualities and our aptitudes in order to apply them to all that we do.

  • An open, flexible mind that knows how to recognize its mistakes, create new strategies to get up and move forward is a mind that attracts opportunities.

On the other hand, the one who lives only to please others or who does not dare to leave his comfort zone in which everything is programmed in advance and predictable closes the door to a world of novelties, to this fresh wind carrying illusions and better opportunities.

Are you going to dare to be free?

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