The Hands Of Time Do Not Sew Up All Our Wounds

Time does not erase everything and the brain does not forget the most traumatic experiences. The important thing is to accept what is happening to us and to avoid the pain preventing us from moving forward.

Time hands are sometimes precise and healing, they soothe pain and help us put things into perspective. Now, it must be said that none of these traumatic injuries will go away forever. Quite simply, we remember them without them hurting us so badly.

We are used to hearing the famous phrase “time heals everything”, that distance is therapeutic and most of the time the negative things we experience serve as our learning.

Now, we have to qualify certain things. Our brain does not forget, and everything painful serves us as learning, of course …

But, in reality, more than teaching, loss or painful events force us to accept specific things without anesthesia. 

There is no choice but to understand that “nothing is here forever” and that what we take for granted today may represent uncertainty tomorrow.

We suggest that you reflect on these aspects.

The wounds that life leaves us

Losing a loved one, suffering from emotional disappointment, being betrayed, failing in something that made us dream… All of these represent facts that we had to face one day.

We often read or listen to things like “to understand what life is, one has to suffer at some point”. This is not necessarily so.

There are many ways to learn about life. In fact, happy moments are great masters in guiding us and inviting us to move forward.

Traumatic events often succeed in “silencing us”. What to do in these cases? What are the strategies that you should follow when suffering invades us?


Learn to live with this void

There is no magic formula to solve these vital intersections which end points at certain periods of our life.

There are no drugs that completely end the pain of life, nor a time machine that allows us to avoid specific facts.

  • The wounds will always be there whether we like it or not. Time is not an architect efficient enough to make them disappear but they will heal and not hurt us as much as the first day.
    It will be a pain that we can co-exist with.
  • Many people have learned to live with their voids, with the absence of loved ones, with the scar of such a mistake, such a bad choice, etc.
  • The main thing is to prevent suffering itself from taking us prisoner. We must not feed the resistance. We don’t have to say to ourselves that “after this life is not worth it”, “now I can never be happy again”. Don’t do this to yourself.

The key is in the work of acceptance. What is past is past, and the only choice is to accept it and thus to accept ourselves, in a new situation.

Love for oneself

Life sometimes overloads us with its swell, coldness and irrational logic. Why is she carrying what we love the most in the world?

Why does this happen to me when I am a good person and always wish others the best?

Sometimes if we are obsessed with finding the meaning of what is going on, we fuel our tragedy even more. It’s not good.

When we are suffering from something painful, there is one aspect that we often forget: listening to ourselves and taking care of ourselves.

In the face of life’s blows, nothing better than reconnecting with others to accept the facts and remind ourselves that we deserve to be happy again.

  • If you have lost someone, remember that you must continue to smile for that loved one, who sleeps forever in your heart and in your memory.

Accept the facts and then free yourself and let go of this shadow. Be reborn from your wounds.

To conclude, we must say that wounds of the soul never heal completely.

They will stay forever, but repaired to keep your heart beating.

Allow yourself to be happy again, and allow life to cuddle you again, as you deserve.

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