Conjunctivitis: The New Symptom Of The Coronavirus?

Some international medical entities report that conjunctivitis is a new symptom of the coronavirus. The World Health Organization does not include this symptom in the diagnostic protocol, but cases where the red eye is the only symptom of the presence of the coronavirus have already been recorded.

Conjunctivitis as a new symptom of the coronavirus is information that has gained ground among the news in recent days. This symptom was recorded by several medical associations from the start of the epidemic. However, his presence is now well and truly confirmed.

In the United States, members of health teams were the first to report this symptom. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor the World Health Organization (WHO) have included this symptom in the list of red flags.

In the scientific literature, there are two articles published on the subject:

  • a study in the  Journal of Medical Virology found SARS-CoV-2 in the eye secretions of some patients, which suggested the presence of the coronavirus in the conjunctiva of the eye
  • another study from the New England Journal of Medicine  noted symptoms in laboratory-confirmed infected patients in China, and in nearly 1% of these cases conjunctival congestion was recorded

Conjunctivitis, what is it?

Unrelated to the coronavirus, conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases worldwide. It is usually a mild infection that can be treated quickly.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. It is a very thin mucous membrane that is found in the eyelids and covers the outer part of the eyeball. When the conjunctiva is inflamed, its tiny blood vessels dilate and the eye turns red.

As a new symptom of the coronavirus, the conjunctivitis in question is associated with SARS-CoV-2. Apart from the current pandemic situation, conjunctivitis can also be caused by bacteria and substances in the environment.

This symptom can therefore be linked to a virus, bacteria or even an allergy. There are also other diseases associated with conjunctivitis. This is the case, for example, with Gourgerot-Sjögren syndrome, an autoimmune disease.

An eye affected by conjunctivitis and a healthy eye

The statement from the American Academy of Ophthalmology on the novel symptom of the coronavirus: conjunctivitis

The American Academy of Ophthalmology sent a press release on the subject in which it gathered information from health teams. Trusting these workers, she reports that the conjunctiva is a new symptom of the coronavirus.

The theory goes as follows: the aerosol through which the virus travels settles in the conjunctiva of the eye. It should be remembered that this virus is transmitted by droplets of respiratory secretions that can spread through the air.

The transmission is not only direct: it is also necessary to take into account the particles which are deposited on the surfaces. If we touch these surfaces with our hands and then touch our face again with our hands, we risk contamination. This is why it is essential to disinfect your interior and to wash your hands.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, if a patient has conjunctivitis and fever in addition to any respiratory symptoms, they should immediately be suspected of having coronavirus infection. And this, all the more so if it presents an epidemiological nexus. That is, if he has traveled to a geographical area where there are recorded cases of infected patients.

Based on this, the Academy reminds healthcare teams to protect their eyes when caring for patients. And not just the nose and the mouth. This new symptom of the coronavirus changes the protective measures, which must become more stringent.

The other new symptoms of the coronavirus

In addition to conjunctivitis, other medical associations have reported the importance of other new symptoms that may indicate the presence of the coronavirus. For example, the Spanish Society of Neurology sent out a statement suggesting that people who have suddenly lost their sense of smell to isolate themselves, as this symptom may indicate the presence of the virus in the body.

Digestive alterations are also among the new symptoms of the coronavirus mentioned, in particular diarrhea which is present in nearly 50% of those infected.

You must wear a mask but also protect your eyes, because conjunctivitis would be a new symptom of the coronavirus

What to do about the new symptoms of the coronavirus?

Conjunctivitis as well as loss of smell, loss of taste and diarrhea must be taken into account in the current context. These symptoms are not included in the World Health Organization’s list of predominant symptoms of coronavirus. However, medical associations recommend that those with these symptoms take the coronavirus test.

In this context of a pandemic, we are obliged to apply ad hoc measures to reduce the rate of contamination. For this reason, the attention paid to symptoms is above average.

If you have the new symptoms of the coronavirus, we advise you to take the screening test. Each country has mechanisms in place so that residents can communicate with health teams before going to the emergency room. It is fundamental to respect these mechanisms to guarantee the effectiveness of the quarantine.

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