Infusions To Treat Water Retention

In addition to being diuretic and detoxifying, horsetail is an excellent astringent, and contains many minerals.

Water retention causes an imbalance in our body which causes heaviness and swelling of the legs, ankles, stomach … Symptoms that can resolve these infusions to treat water retention.

Hasn’t this ever happened to you? One morning you put on your clothes and they look good on you. On the other hand, the next day, it becomes difficult to close your pants. suddenly gained weight? Or is it due to fluid retention?

What herbs can help treat fluid retention?

Water retention causes discomfort and heaviness. We feel bloated, and what is worse is that in front of the mirror we feel like we have gained weight. Here are the main reasons why we suffer from this disorder:

  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Premenstrual syndrome,
  • Lifestyle sédentai re
  • Heart problems,
  • Liver problems
  • Hypertension problems,
  • Stress
  • Contraindications of various drugs.

The herbal infusions that we offer below can therefore help treat water retention:

1. Boldo infusion

Boldo infusions to treat water retention

This is a great, ideal option to take twice a day. Boldo leaves are perfect for relieving water retention thanks to the presence of alkaloids like isoquinoline and quinolizidine. These are two types of oils that are very suitable for promoting good circulation.

To benefit from its effects, just put six leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes then drink slowly at breakfast and after lunch.

2. Dandelion infusion

Dandelion is a cleansing plant. It is therefore an excellent ally for purifying the organism. And we can take it both in infusion and in salads. It allows us to eliminate water and it promotes good circulation in the kidneys, moreover it purifies the blood. It is therefore a wonderful plant.

You can enjoy it by making two infusions a day, one at breakfast and one in the afternoon. Just put a few leaves or flowers of this plant in boiling water. Then filter the contents and drink slowly. This infusion will give good results.

3. Green tea

Another excellent depurative infusion that promotes diuresis.  Green tea not only cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, but helps treat water retention and also inflammation. This drink is very beneficial. You can take up to three cups a day.

Green tea is very easy to find in stores. It is better to sweeten it with honey than with normal sugar, it is healthier.

4. Horsetail infusion

Horsetail infusions to treat water retention

Do you know the great benefits of horsetail? It can be found in natural stores or in pharmacies. It is a plant that contains many minerals, in particular silicon, potassium and magnesium.

Besides its diuretic, cleansing and detoxifying function, it is mineralizing, astringent and anti-diarrheal. Why not benefit from it?

Ideally, take it twice a day, the equivalent of a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. You can also mix it with anise or peppermint for a better taste. Let sit for five minutes, and drink slowly.

You will notice the rapid improvement that horsetail can provide.

5. Birch infusion

The leaves of this tree are rich in potassium salts. They are ideal for promoting an effective diuretic action in our body, thus eliminating the feeling of heaviness, and water retention.  Would you like to try it?

It is available in nature stores or herbalists. Birch is well known and provides excellent results. It is also perfect for curing urinary tract infections.

You can take one to two cups a day. Put the equivalent of a spoon in a cup of boiling water and let stand for five minutes. Have a cup for breakfast and in the afternoon. You will feel better right away. Birch is digestible and has a very pleasant taste. Don’t hesitate to try it.

General recommendations to avoid water retention

To treat fluid retention, one should  follow a diet low in sodium. It is therefore necessary to reduce the consumption of salt with a meal.  On the other hand, you can decorate your dishes with other herbs or with vinegar, lemon, garlic or onion …

It is also excellent to keep a diet rich in vegetables, such as squash, tomato, asparagus, artichokes … Eat bananas, they are rich in potassium, and pulses that contain complex carbohydrates or pasta, rice…

Drink at least two liters of water a day. If you don’t like natural water, add a little lemon juice, it will already be nicer. And of course… don’t forget to get some exercise every day, one hour a day. A walk or a bike ride is great for your overall health.

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