7 Misconceptions About Fibromyalgia

Misconceptions about fibromyalgia must go because they often lead patients to seek inadequate solutions.

There are several misconceptions about fibromyalgia, the vast majority  of which stem from the fact that science has yet to fully decipher this disease.

Although there are details of this disease that are not yet known, it must be recognized that  progress has been made and has made it possible to rule out hypotheses. It is therefore important not to pay attention to misconceptions about fibromyalgia, such as the following.

7 misconceptions about fibromyalgia

Although this disease has been known since 1904, medicine has yet to explain why it occurs. She does not have the means to diagnose it, nor the tools to treat it.

These voids allow erroneous ideas to circulate about it. Affected people therefore manage this disease inadequately,  with the risks that this implies. What are these beliefs? Discover them now!

1. It is a psychological illness

Here is one of the most common misconceptions about fibromyalgia. In general,  each disease has a psychological component and some also generate psychological consequences. However, that doesn’t mean that they only exist in the head.

Pain related to fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia causes physical symptoms, such as generalized pain or stiff joints. A person with this disease perceives painful stimuli which, in reality, are not; and she feels greater pain with those who are. But that doesn’t mean this pain is in her head.

2. It only affects women and the elderly

It is one of the other most common prejudices. It is true that, as with many diseases, there is a prevalence in a certain type of patient.

Here, 80% of patients are women: but they are not the only ones who can have it. The same thing happens with age. There is some evidence that fibromyalgia is more common in older people, but it can also occur at other times. In fact, anyone can develop this disease.

3. We completely lose our quality of life

Regular exercise is currently considered the best way to reduce symptoms of the disease. In addition, there are several treatments available to prevent fibromyalgia from significantly affecting the quality of life.

It is no longer necessary to focus 100% on medication: we can also focus on certain habits. Thus, a person with fibromyalgia can recover their quality of life if they practice aerobic exercise on a regular basis, follow relaxation techniques and follow medical indications.

4. Exercise, one of the misconceptions about fibromyalgia

Speaking of exercise, one of the most common misconceptions about fibromyalgia is that a person with this condition cannot exercise. There is nothing further from the truth because, as demonstrated by this study published in the Revue de Rhumatologie Cliniqueexercise is an important route for its treatment.

A woman is swimming.

Nevertheless, it is true that one must follow the advice of the doctor, carrying out  the activities in a progressive, gradual and constant way. In this line of ideas, several researchers (such as the following, from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden), have pointed out that in a large number of cases, practicing swimming, athletics, cycling, walking or doing exercises in hot water improved symptoms.

5. We must follow a special diet

To date, there is no evidence that consuming a particular food will improve or worsen the disease.

However, a study published by the journal Gastroenterology shows that there is an open line of study, within which a possible relationship between gluten consumption and fibromyalgia was found. However, more tests are needed on this subject.

Those who suffer from this disease still tend to gain weight. However, being overweight increases the symptoms. It is therefore advisable to have a balanced diet to avoid problems.

6. There is no treatment

Pharmacological treatment has been shown to be  significantly effective in about 40% of patients. This treatment consists of the administration of analgesics, antidepressants or anticonvulsants with prior medical approval.

In addition, periodic exercise combined with the practice of relaxation techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapies have proven their effectiveness in a large number of patients. Although the effects may not be seen immediately, they do become noticeable over time.

7. It causes serious after-effects

Fibromyalgia does not cause sequelae, nor is it a neurodegenerative disease: it does not cause changes in the joints, bones or muscles.

It also does not give rise to deformities or paralysis that limit movement. And it causes even less neurological damage. This is not always the cause of each of the physical pain that the patient feels.

Don’t be fooled by these misconceptions about fibromyalgia

As you may have seen, there are several misconceptions that have spread over the years about fibromyalgia. It is therefore important to  know how to identify them in order to avoid them with scientific rigor.

First of all, remember to consult a specialist to be well informed about this disease. This is the only way to avoid confusion.

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