Eliminate Bed Bugs For Good With These Home Remedies

Since bedbugs cannot stand high temperatures, it is possible to put your mattress and clothes in the sun, or apply hot steam in the affected area.

Bedbugs are small insects that feed on human blood as well as on the blood of domestic animals. They are very difficult to see with the naked eye.

One of their favorite places in the house is the bed. Indeed, they find there a warm environment and the food they need to survive.

Of course, bedbugs are very problematic because they cause bites on the skin. They also increase the risk of suffering from different diseases.

The best thing to do to eradicate them is to throw away the mattress. However, this is not the most economical option.

The good news is that there are several remedies for eliminating bedbugs and getting back to a clean, healthy bed.

Read the rest of this article to find out!

Steam to kill bedbugs

Sprays are very simple and effective home remedies that can be used to eradicate bedbugs. Indeed, they do not have the capacity to withstand high temperatures. 

A good option is to apply hot steam (48.8 ºC or higher) to the mattress and sheets. It should also be applied to clothes, curtains and all the fabrics in the room.

Turmeric powder

turmeric to eliminate bedbugs

Thanks to its high content of curcumin, its active compound, turmeric powder is a potential enemy of bedbugs.

This ingredient and its strong antimicrobial power affect the environment and the survival of these small insects, thus facilitating their elimination.

The action of this ingredient is to deprive the bedbugs of oxygen and therefore kill them.

Although it may seem surprising, turmeric is still a great help in eliminating them.

The sun

Sun exposure can also help eliminate bed bugs lurking in mattresses, sheets, and blankets.

At temperatures over 32 ºC, the problem can be eradicated. Just place the mattress in direct sunlight.


mint against bedbugs

Mint essential oil releases an odor that repels outbreaks of small insects. They are actually allergic to it.

This home remedy is therefore ideal for keeping bed bugs away from the bedroom, garden and pets.

Lavender essential oil is also another option. It has a similar effect to the previous remedy.

Make sure that no family member is allergic to the strong smell of these oils before use.


Cloves are a strong-tasting spice that repels all types of insects.

Usually it is used in the garden to scare away ants. It can also be used to eliminate bed bugs.

Isopropyl alcohol

These insects cannot tolerate acidic environments and that is why isopropyl alcohol (also known as isopropanol) is found to be an effective remedy.

To use it, just put this product in a bottle with a spray. It should then be sprinkled on all areas of the bed, where these little insects hide.

You should know that this is a regular process. Indeed, it is necessary to repeat the treatment every 7 days. 

Once you have sprayed the product, ventilate the mattress or blankets to prevent the smell of alcohol from remaining permeated.

The vacuum cleaner

woman vacuuming a carpet

Vacuuming is one of the most popular methods of eradicating all types of insects and mites. The vacuum cleaner provides access to cracks and spaces where bedbugs hide.

Final tips

  • You should not put your bed against walls or near furniture.
    In addition, it is not good to leave blankets, comforters, bedspreads, or any other part of the bed on the floor. This facilitates the arrival of bed bugs in the mattress.
  • If you have pets, it is best to prevent them from entering the room. Also try to wash them very regularly.
  • Look at the legs of the bed and other furniture frequently. This is the place where these insects can lodge there.
    If you detect their presence, the first thing to do is to use talcum powder to try to catch them.
  • It is essential to regularly clean and disinfect the entire chamber, in order to avoid the presence of all types of epidemics.
    For this, it is necessary to carry out frequent cleaning, and to change the sheets and pajamas at least twice a month.

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