All About The Great Properties Of Field Horsetail

Recognized for its diuretic power, field horsetail can also help you take care of your skin, hair and nails by application external or through consumption.

Horsetail is a medicinal plant with many health properties. You can take it seasonally, to treat certain conditions, or as a regular supplement to provide your body with plenty of minerals.

Find out in this article what are the great benefits of horsetail. Among these, we particularly distinguish its ability to fight against liquid retention and its silicon content. It is a very healthy element for the skin, hair and nails.


Horsetail, also called Ponytail or Rat Tail, owes its name to its characteristic physical appearance. We can find this plant near places with water, because it needs a lot of humidity.

It is common in many parts of Europe and can be easily found and harvested.

Properties of field horsetail.

The stem of horsetail is a very common medicinal remedy to treat multiple disorders. It is distinguished by its content of vitamin C, silicon, potassium, magnesium, saponosides, flavonoids and tannins, among other nutrients.

  • It should be noted that its main use is sought after for its diuretic effects.
  • Unlike other remedies or drugs with the same indications, which carry the risk of causing us to lose too many minerals through urine, the ponytail compensates for this loss by providing us with more of them.

Medicinal properties

1. Field horsetail health remedies

In general, the ponytail is distinguished by these great healing virtues:

  • Its diuretic properties make it a quick and effective remedy for reducing swelling and combating fluid retention. This virtue, thanks to its potassium and flavonoids content, also helps reduce and calm inflammation.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant thanks to its content of flavonoids. Therefore, it helps us fight cell aging caused by free radicals, both outside and in our organs.
  • Its high remineralizing power is very beneficial in the phases of fatigue, recovery or convalescence, as well as an excellent option for athletes.
  • It promotes good healing.
  • Improves and accelerates recovery from fractures and sprains.
  • It reduces uric acid and prevents gout attacks.
  • It prevents diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis or kidney stones.

In addition, this plant also has other lesser known properties:

  • It has antiseptic properties.
  • It puts an end to diarrhea in case of indigestion, gastroenteritis or other viruses.
  • It is an excellent plant for preventing iron deficiency anemia.
  • It helps us to treat certain oral problems, such as gingivitis or canker sores.
  • Stops light bleeding, internal and external. This is important to keep in mind for women on their period.
  • It strengthens the immune system and increases defenses, thanks to its flavonoid content.
  • Fights skin fungi.

Field horsetail beauty remedies

Beauty remedies based on field horsetail.

Horsetail is a famous beauty remedy, both as food and for external application. Some beauty products incorporate its extract because of its excellent properties:

  • Skin : Its infusion or extract is a good facial tonic which strengthens the dermal structure to prevent wrinkles. Because it provides greater elasticity to the skin. It also prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.
  • Hair : Its application is very useful in the treatment of certain hair problems such as hair loss, premature white hair, split ends or dandruff. Moreover, by taking it, you get stronger hair.
  • Nails : When the nails are weak and break easily, field horsetail helps you to strengthen them.

How to take horsetail?

Out of curiosity, we know that in Antiquity, we ate the stems as if they were asparagus. On the other hand, today, it is consumed in the spring in some Asian countries such as Japan.

However, horsetail is usually consumed or used in the following ways for medicinal purposes:

  • In infusion
  • As a dietary supplement: in the form of extract, capsules or tablets
  • As a poultice
  • In local or body baths

It is not recommended to take it for long periods, but for short periods of a maximum of 3 or 4 weeks, with breaks between the different doses.

It can also be taken occasionally to combat an acute disorder, such as swelling or fatigue. But it should not be consumed during pregnancy or in case of gastritis.

  • Mimica-Dukic, N., Simin, N., Cvejic, J., Jovin, E., Orcic, D., & Bozin, B. (2008). Phenolic compounds in field horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) as natural antioxidants. Molecules , 13 (7), 1455-1464.
  • Nagai, T., Myoda, T., & Nagashima, T. (2005). Antioxidative activities of water extract and ethanol extract from field horsetail (tsukushi) Equisetum arvense L. Food chemistry , 91 (3), 389-394.
  • Williams, ED (1979). Studies on the depth distribution and on the germination and growth of Equisetum arvense L (field horsetail) from tubers. Weed Research , 19 (1), 25-32.

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