Emotional Void: What You Can’t Explain

To overcome emotional void we don’t need material things, or other people. The only thing that can fill it is self-esteem.

I feel a void inside of me and I don’t know how it happened. It’s an emotional void that makes me incomplete, insufficient… I need to fill it with something, anything. I feel empty and it makes me sad.

Emotional emptiness is an experience we sometimes have after the death of a loved one, a relationship breakup, or simply after a disappointment.

We must give the emotional void the necessary attention. Because if it lasts over time and we fill it with other things or people, that will not solve the void. This void that has appeared in our life for one reason or another but it will only be a temporary patch.

The infinite emotional void

Emotional void

Many people try to fill this emotional void that torments them by taking refuge in artificial elements. From there arise compulsive purchases which, subsequently, lead to strong remorse of conscience.

They spend money as a tool to escape, to distract from what causes so much pain. However, this is an illusion that will not solve the real problem.

Others choose to fill this emotional void that overwhelms them. With other people to whom they become attached, whom they manipulate and use so as not to feel alone.

This is a big mistake, because they hurt others as well as themselves. And they end up in destructive and dismal situations.

Emotional emptiness causes despair. And the need to hold on to what we find at hand, right now, at this precise moment.

Very often, people who suffer from it choose to compulsively consume food or else self-harm. Because the feeling is so unbearable that they look for these ways to avoid the problem.

Its origins during childhood

Childhood, as we know perfectly well, is very important, because it is the stage during which we learn to manage deficiencies. As well as all the emotional and emotional problems that cause us so much difficulty in adulthood.

If we grew up in a broken family, if our parents did not have a good relationship, it is very likely that we did not receive the emotional care we needed.

At these ages we adapt to everything. This is why, whatever happens, it will not be too important if we are still small.

However, when we grow up everything falls on our backs. What we have experienced then emerges in our life with more force than ever. By showing how much this has affected us and causes difficult repercussions in our current life.

Sometimes we don’t remember exactly what happened in our childhood that affected us so much. For this reason, it will be very important to deal with these issues with a professional.

Through therapy we will be able to find out where the root of the problem is. And the therapist will give us the tools we need to start getting back on the path to wellness.

Vacuum generates more vacuum

Although we are looking for a solution, if it is external, that is, if we try to hide our emptiness with people, clothes or food, the emptiness will not disappear.

We can be in a relationship with a person whom we have made responsible for our unhappiness and still feel empty. We can buy a lot of things and find that we are not satisfied with them.

These patches are useless, they turn into a vicious circle that will cause us anxiety and a lot of discomfort.

Sometimes we have doubts and fear to ask for help, which is one of the best decisions we can make.

We can’t always face things alone. Even though we know what’s going on with us, sometimes we can’t find the tools to stop following the same stone-strewn path.

Now is the time to stop filling that void with unnecessary things and making our parents feel guilty because they did the best they could.

The responsibility for feeling good is now only ours . So we have to understand it and ask for help.Emotional void

All we need is a nudge, a “you’re not alone” to refocus us again. Because at some point we got lost, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find each other again.

Emotional emptiness will continue to make you feel empty if you don’t start to fill it with love for yourself.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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  • Keil, A., & Miskovic, V. (2015). Human Emotions. In Sleep and Affect. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-417188-6.00002-5
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