I Don’t Want To And Can’t Go Back In Time, I’m A Different Person

Even if you don’t believe it, you are a different person than the person you were yesterday. The past has taught you, with its joys and sorrows, and made you wiser

The past cannot be edited to be rewritten. However, what happened yesterday also defines who we are today.

There are people who cannot take responsibility for their own past.

The mistakes we have made, the failures or the disappointments felt are still open wounds that prevent them from being able to integrate in a healthy way in the today, the here and the now.

While it is not easy to come to terms with every deed committed, thing, or person lost along our life paths, we must understand that one of our worst mistakes is undoubtedly ruining our present. by ruminating on a past that no longer has any future.

In this article, we therefore suggest that you think about this.

The past has nothing new to offer us

The past sometimes knocks on our door.

It can do it in the form of memories or people who shatter the glass of our windows asking us to be like yesterday again, the same people for whom we cried so and so much when they didn’t deserve it.

Don’t allow that. Whenever the past knocks on your door again, understand that it has nothing more to give you. The real possibilities of being happy indeed open up at this precise moment.

It’s time to start walking again

To live is to have to continually let go of things and people, and we do this to keep moving forward.

You left friendships behind you that were false, you left loved ones who didn’t know what happiness was, you left places, jobs, habits and things to get on new trains full of opportunities.

  • It is time today to resume walking, by closing doors. It is something that we always experience with a mixture of sadness.
    But, when we close “circles” there are emotions that we must not feed. It is about resentment, hatred and frustration.
  • Understand that whoever really wishes to overcome his past must do so without burden, and hatred is undoubtedly the heaviest burden, the one that makes us prisoners of who has harmed us, who has unloved us.
  • Turn the page and focus on your future, free from resentments or negative emotions that erode your possibility of being happy.

Love your present by integrating your past

You are a complete person. Each of your past and present experiences form a whole that you must love, listen to and respect.

  • In Gestalt therapy, in this approach that comes from humanistic psychology, we are reminded that we are unitary organisms and we must become aware of the here and now, integrating our past and our present. 
  • Who lives only by thinking of yesterday and breathing his own nostalgia forgets the “present self”. We then promote a disconnection with reality and with our own needs.
  • All of this, whether we believe it or not, can make us sick because depression often stems from this desperate obsession with a moment in the past, with that lack or that deficiency that completely “uproots” us from the present.

We need to be able to love ourselves for who we are, even for mistakes made in the past as they have enabled us to learn and shape who we are today.

Looking at a past that will never return, you miss a thousand paths to travel

Even though we have all lost many things in the ocean of our past, the only way to mend these breaches and configure new opportunities for the future is to focus on the here and now, and all of these. paths that we can walk wisely and with courage.

Here’s something amazing that may prompt us to reflect: Think about an ancient technique the Japanese use when mending broken pieces of porcelain.

  • When a cup breaks, for example, Japanese culture understands that it will never be able to return to its former form. The past is past and we define us as we are today.

However, it also gives us the opportunity to be stronger, more beautiful.

  • This is why these fractures and broken pieces are reused through a technique called Kintsugi. We use a type of glue with which we unite the broken fragments and then cover their faults with gold or silver powder.
  • Each crack is decorated like a golden paint, so that this cup or plate is even more beautiful, and has an exceptional history.
  • We should also practice this technique. Far from running away from or lamenting our past, we must integrate it into our present with force, with resilience. 

Dare to paint your wounds gold, do not hide them, do not be ashamed … 

You are not the same person as yesterday, you are a better, more courageous and capable person.

Someone worthy to keep moving forward in search of new opportunities.

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