The 11 Best Slimming Plants

To make the most of the virtues of plants for weight loss, it is essential to combine a diuretic action with a purifying action, to eliminate water retention and burn fat. fats.

To lose weight, it is necessary to follow a comprehensive program of a healthy diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle. You can also supplement it with natural remedies. Discover, in this article, the best slimming plants.

Which Plants Are The Best Slimming Plants?

It is possible to divide slimming plants into two very distinct groups:

  • Diuretic plants : they help eliminate water retention and increase urine production.
  • Depurative plants : they burn fat and activate the metabolism.

If you follow  a comprehensive weight loss program, you can energize it by consuming these herbs for faster results.

Among the herbs having a diuretic and purifying effect, here are the ones we recommend:

Field horsetail infusion

Slimming depurative plants


You can find these slimming plants in pharmacies or herbalists.


  • 100 g of dried horsetail
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil the two ingredients for 30 minutes, then remove from the heat, and let cool, covering.
  • Filter the contents of the container, then pour it into a bottle or a tightly closed container, before storing it in the refrigerator.
  • Drink 2 tablespoons (or 15 ml) per day of this liquid, dissolved in 1 glass of water (or 200 ml).
  • Do not keep your infusion for more than 2 weeks in your refrigerator.


Dandelion is an extremely beneficial plant for our body because, in addition to being one of the best slimming plants, it helps reduce cholesterol levels.

To enjoy all its benefits, prepare it in the form of an infusion.


  • 1 handful of dried dandelion leaves and roots
  • 1 liter and a half of water


  • Make a decoction with all these ingredients for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat then let cool for a few minutes.
  • Filter the mixture, then drink it with a little honey.
  • Consume a cup of this infusion before each of your main meals.


Many people have a bad idea of ​​this plant.

However, you should know that nettle has many properties for our health, and it can also help us lose weight.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves (30 g)
  • 1 liter of water


Boil the water with the nettle leaves for 10 minutes. Let it steep, filter then drink up to 3 cups a day (before each meal).

The work

It is a tree that is used a lot in alternative medicine, because it brings many benefits to our body.


  • 50 g birch bark
  • 1 liter of water


  • Put the ingredients to boil for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat, then let steep for 5 minutes.
  • Filter and pour everything into a glass container or a bottle.

Consume up to 6 tablespoons per day of this infusion, diluting them in water or in natural juices.


This plant is used in salads, in the same way as lettuce for example.

The flavor of chicory is somewhat bitter, but excellent, and it has slimming properties if consumed as an infusion.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried chicory root (30 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Chop the roots well, then boil them for 15 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and let sit for another 15 minutes.
  • Filter and drink up to two cups of this infusion per day.

Diuretic slimming plants


This infusion with diuretic properties is consumed in Latin America, especially in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay.

In addition to consuming the plant, the local populations therefore prepare a kind of tea, called simply mate.


  • 1 handful of mate herbs
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


  • Make an infusion like you are used to
  • Let sit for a few minutes, then filter and drink.

In some shops, small sachets called “maté cocido” are sold and are consumed like traditional teas.

They can also help you in your quest to lose weight. 


Like nettle, thistle is a wild plant that has a bad reputation and whose virtues are not well known.

It grows in any type of field or garden. It can also be found at herbalists or in natural shops.

To take advantage of its natural properties, you need to make a decoction of the plant.


  • 50 grams of dried thistle root
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil the water, then immerse the thistle root in it. Let the decoction work for 15 minutes.
  • Drink up to three cups a day, always before your main meals.

 best slimming plants: wrack

The fucus

It is a marine plant that has a high content of iodine and mineral salts, such as:

  • Potassium
  • Bromine
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • The iron

Wrack helps fight obesity thanks to the iodine it contains, because this substance helps stimulate the action of the thyroid gland and increase cell metabolism. It is a powerfully diuretic and slightly laxative plant. It helps to avoid sudden urges to eat.

You can consume it as an extract, powder, or capsules. You can then prepare yourself a beneficial tea.


  • 15 grams of fucus seaweed
  • 1 liter of water


Boil both ingredients for 6 minutes, then remove from heat. Filter and drink up to 3 cups a day of this infusion.

Diuretic slimming plants: corn stigmas

This is the part of the corn that covers the cobs. The stigmas are powerful diuretics and purifiers, which reveal all their properties through an infusion.


  • 20 grams of corn stigmas
  • 1 liter of water


  • Heat the water, then let the decoction with the corn stigmas for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat, then let it steep for a few minutes. Filter and drink up to three cups a day of this infusion.

You can consume your first cup on an empty stomach, then the second before lunch, and finally the third before dinner. 

Diuretic slimming plants: artichokes

These ingredients are used in the preparation of many dishes.

In addition, it is possible to take advantage of the most bitter part, to prepare an infusion, and enjoy all its diuretic benefits.


  • An artichoke heart
  • 1 liter of water


  • Cut the artichoke, then boil the core for 5 minutes.
  • Let stand 4 minutes and filter.
  • Drink the resulting drink, with a little stevia or honey.

It is recommended to drink three cups a day at most (one in the morning, one at noon and one in the evening).

Diuretic slimming plants: red tea

Also called “Pu Erh”, it is very effective for slimming. Red tea, like green tea, has diuretic properties that allow it to be one of the slimming plants.

You can drink up to 4 cups of red tea per day. You will find it at herbalists in the form of sachets, or in bulk. It is prepared like any other infusion.

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