The Incredible Properties Of Bananas

Although bananas help us refuel during the day, it is best to avoid consuming them in the evening, because we do not burn calories, which can promote weight gain.

Bananas are delicious fruits, very nutritious and, moreover, promote satiety. Here you will find out what are the properties of bananas.

But that’s not all ! You will also know at what time of the day it is best to consume bananas to avoid putting on weight, and even to promote weight loss.

The banana is, in fact, ideal at certain times of the day, but to be avoided at others. Take notes !

The nutritional values ​​of bananas 

Ripe bananas

A 100 gram banana contains approximately:

  • 100 calories
  • 1 gram of protein
  • 25 grams of carbohydrates
  • less than a gram of fat
  • 3 grams of fiber

Bananas are rich in vitamins B6 and C, folic acid and minerals, especially magnesium and potassium.

Although the banana is a fruit, its nutritional values ​​mean that it belongs to the starch category. It is therefore part of the same category as potatoes, cereals, flour, or even peanuts.

This last characteristic is fundamental when determining at what time of the day it is best to consume it …

When is the best time to eat bananas?

The main characteristics of starches are to provide energy to our body and to be food of slow digestion. This is why it is best to avoid consuming them in the evening, because that is when these foods make you fat. In the evening, focus on foods that are easy to digest.

Conversely, starches are excellent in the morning, because they provide the energy the body needs to be in shape all day.

The banana is then a perfect snack in the middle of the morning and in the middle of the afternoon: it satisfies us without making us fat. This helps to avoid consuming refined sugars, fats, or other unhealthy foods.

Plus, bananas are easy to transport and eat. Be careful though… It is advisable not to eat more than one per day, precisely because its nutritional values ​​are complete.

The main properties of bananas?

Consuming bananas regularly brings many benefits to our body. The banana :

  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • regulates intestinal problems
  • reduces muscle cramps
  • brings energy to our body quickly (it is therefore excellent for children and athletes, or in cases of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia)
  • regulates our nervous system and helps relieve anxiety and irritability issues
  • helps treat anemia naturally
  • decreases high blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of having a heart attack
  • works as a natural antacid thanks to its alkaline properties
  • reduces morning sickness and vomiting
  • is an ideal food for people who suffer from an ulcer
  • helps relieve period pain
  • is a good complement to the treatment which aims to stop smoking
  • is an essential fruit for pregnant women, because it reduces nausea, regulates the intestines, provides energy without making you fat, and contains folic acid

Different ways to consume bananas 

Banana milk

Bananas should always be eaten very ripe. Otherwise, it will be difficult to digest.

In addition to everything we have already pointed out, this fruit offers countless culinary possibilities.

  • Banana brings a creamy and sweet texture to milkshakes. This characteristic makes it possible to prepare milkshakes with healthy but less tasty ingredients, such as green vegetables, brewer’s yeast, etc.
  • Banana ice cream is delicious. Peel ripe bananas and freeze them. Once frozen, mix them in a food processor with yogurt. Enjoy immediately, or freeze again to harden the texture. Adding melted chocolate on top of it will give you a dessert that is both beautiful and delicious.
  • Bananas allow you to use less sugar in cakes, in addition to promoting the softness.
  • This fruit goes very well with cinnamon.
  • If you mash the banana with a fork, you will get a smooth paste that you can mix with cocoa. This mixture gives a very healthy cocoa cream, without dairy products, flour or sugar. You will be able to take advantage of the properties of the banana!

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