5 Simple Things You Can Change To Lose Weight

Beyond what we can think of, skipping dinner will not make us lose weight. What we will actually lose is health and well-being.

Whenever possible, in order to lose weight, we should always try to have an early dinner. This allows us to be able to digest before going to bed and thus ensure a good rest.

Eating well is synonymous with living well. That’s why nothing can make us feel better inside and out than putting in some effort.

We also have to take care of what we put on our plates. We must also pay attention to our habits that accompany our diet.

For example we can talk about our schedules. The time we eat dinner will undoubtedly determine the quality of our sleep.

This is why a large meal in the evening will require an extra effort from our body to digest food.

As a result, insomnia will appear, as well as gradual weight gain.

If we pay attention to it “ it’s the little things that make a lot ” and it is in this way, without almost realizing it, that that extra kilo will appear, that morning fatigue, that acidity of the stomach and, the future of diabetes.

We need to take care of ourselves, listen to ourselves, and gradually improve the quality of our dinners.

Below we are going to 5 small, simple changes you can put in place to make it happen: they don’t cost anything and are easy to apply.

1. Start with a soup

Start with soup to lose weight.

Carrot, celery, squash soup… It never hurts to find a good recipe and fresh seasonal vegetables to prepare a healthy and sensational soup.

The reason why it is recommended to include them in our meals and as a starter is simple: they will help us to fill us up.

In addition, they will allow us to sleep better and avoid an additional load in digestion. This will give us good nutrients.

Likewise, since it is a dish that we eat hot, it is ideal for people who arrive home a little anxious: it forces us to eat slowly and offers comforting relief to our stomachs.

2. Why should we eat early to lose weight?

We know that it is not always possible to have dinner when we want. We all depend on schedules and obligations.

However, to the extent possible, it is essential to respect this principle. We have to have dinner – at least – two hours before we go to bed.

Thus we will be able to have between 7 and 8 hours of deep and restorative rest.

We will thus offer our metabolism the opportunity to digest nutrients, to have an adapted sleep and to pay attention to our weight and our well-being.

3. It’s not about eating “little”, but choosing the best foods

Choose the best foods for weight loss.

Between having no dinner and having dinner with a bag of chips, it is better to have nothing to eat. Between dinner a baked potato and a fish dish with spinach, the last option will always be the best.

It is therefore a question of eating well, of choosing correctly those foods which are ideal for our dinners.

Here are some small indications:

  • Cooked vegetables are better than raw, because we digest them better.
  • It is better to fish than meat, because our body digests better at these times, the protein of the fish and especially, its healthy fatty acids, wonderful for the heart and for our weight.
  • Add – carefully and without exaggerating – whole grains or seeds two to three times a week to your dinners: they will help you repair your tissues during the night.

4. No breadcrumbs, industrial sauces and fried foods to lose weight

We know that we usually have little time and little inclination to cook dinner ; this is why we often use classic fried foods, these frozen turnovers, these fried calamari, this breaded chicken …

They are not suitable for three main reasons. They will make us gain weight, we will not be full. It will take us a long time to digest these foods… Not to mention that they are not particularly nutritious.

Also, and only as an example, an idea for our dinners to help us lose weight and take care of our health, nothing beats the introduction of:

  • Fish rich in omega 3
  • A fruit for digestion
  • A glass of oat milk with honey
  • Relaxing infusions like lime or sage

5. Fruit for dinner: yes or no?

Fruit at dinner can be dangerous if we choose those that are too heavy, too high in sugar or even overly processed ones that have lost all of their original nutrients.

  • A great idea that we recommend for dinner is baked apples.
  • Papayas or pears are also sensational.
  • Likewise, bananas – not overripe – are fantastic for a very good reason: they contain tryptophan, an amino acid that will help us have a deep and relaxing sleep.
  • As a tasty proposition, we cannot ignore the jelly. It is very good if we consume between 2 and 3 per week at dinner.

To conclude, these 5 ideas are easy to apply and we will not only help improve our figure, but also take a little more care of our lifestyle.

Are you motivated to put them into practice today?

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