Tips For Saying Goodbye To Joint Pain

You’ve probably got up in the morning, and still be tired as if you had made a great effort during the night, to have trouble moving your hands, or feeling pricks in your knees when going down the stairs.

How to relieve this excruciating joint pain? In the rest of this article, we’ll give you some tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily life.

Advice to relieve joint pain

Many people suffer from joint pain which is caused by arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, etc. It is not always possible to completely eliminate pain, which is why many times we have learned to live with it.

But it is possible to follow some basic methods that will not only reduce the pain, but also and above all, improve your quality of life.

Always follow the advice of your doctor, and do not take more drugs (such as anti-inflammatory drugs) than prescribed,  as you may then suffer from their side effects. However, there are natural remedies that will be of great help to you. Do you want to know which ones?

1. Consume ginger daily

Say goodbye to joint pain

A study by the University of Miami shows that taking two capsules of ginger a day helps us de-inflame the joints and soothe pain. 

Indeed, the properties of ginger are very similar to those of ibuprofen (but without its side effects such as stomach pain or risks related to blood circulation).

These ginger tablets, which are more effective if consumed daily, can be found in health food stores or herbalists. Otherwise, you can also go for the classic infusion.

Grate the equivalent of a spoonful of ginger root, immerse it in a cup of water, then bring everything to a boil. Drink a cup of it in the morning and afternoon.

2. Avoid certain foods

Pay attention to the foods mentioned below: it is better to eliminate them from your diet, or eat them in very small amounts to relieve joint pain.

  • Dairy products:  These contain an element called casein which promotes inflammation in the joints. If you are a milk and yogurt lover, consider consuming less and less for the sake of your health and to improve your quality of life.
  • Red meat:  avoid it at all costs! It is not good for your health in general, and especially if you have joint problems.
  • Wheat:  are you surprised? But it is nevertheless true! Recent studies have shown that wheat, along with many other grains that contain gluten, causes inflammation in the joints in people with arthritis. The solution ? Cut back to see if it relieves pain. Some people don’t see any difference, but many others report feeling better after eliminating gluten from their diet.

Other foods to avoid

  • Eggs:  don’t eat too much. Since it is an animal product, egg yolks contain arachidonic acid, an element that promotes the inflammatory process, and sometimes causes pain and swelling in the joints. It is true that eggs are healthy and high in protein, but these animal proteins are not always the most beneficial.
  •  Avoiding nightshades: does that mean anything to you? When we talk about nightshades, we mean, for example, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc. They are cold plants that can cause musculoskeletal stiffness, which sometimes promotes migraines, and joint inflammation. This is due to a toxic alkaloid called solanine, which makes inflammation worse, especially in people who already have joint disease. The best vegetables that you should include in your diet are, for example, carrots.

3. Yes to green tea in the morning

Are you a big fan of green tea? So it’s your lucky day! Its polyphenols (antioxidants) have been shown to be particularly effective when it comes to preventing and relieving the effects of osteoarthritis and joint pain. So don’t forget to drink a good cup of green tea for breakfast.

4. Your best ally: vitamin E

You have surely heard of it before: it works wonders in curing the effects of osteoarthritis, and it is considered a real medicine. 

Ideally, two tablets should be taken per day. The quantities are already written  on the capsule or on  the box of tablets that can be bought in pharmacies or health food stores.

You can also find vitamin E in most green vegetables, but to get enough of it, it’s best to use the capsules. You will easily find them in any pharmacy.

5. Foods to reduce pain and boost your morale

Say goodbye to joint pain

Improving our quality of life is essential. We can do this by eating a good diet, and consuming nutrients that not only reduce joint pain, but also boost morale. Here are the rules to follow: 

  • Always eat fresh foods  (fruits and vegetables). Say no to frozen foods or ready meals, as they contain elements that promote joint inflammation.
  • Dried fruits:  nuts, fines, pistachios, etc. give us energy and are healthy foods.
  • Lemon juice:  provides us with antioxidants, and is very effective if we drink it in the morning.
  • Cod liver oil:  a great classic! Thanks to its oils rich in omega-3, it is very effective for all people who suffer from joint problems. So don’t forget to include a good spoonful of it in your daily diet.
  • Organic apple cider vinegar:  is an ideal remedy. It relieves pain and is very beneficial for health.
  • Quinoa and amaranth seeds:  have you ever tried them? These prodigious seeds are superfoods that prove to be very beneficial for the health, and which relieve joint pain day by day.

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