Causes Of Inflammation Of The Lymph Nodes

Even though the nodes can become inflamed for many reasons and are quite sensitive, inflammation is often caused by our immune system failing to has not recovered from illness.

First of all, we want to tell you that the inflammation of the lymph nodes is not of excessive importance, especially when it is due to an infection. However, it is always advisable to check the condition of his lymph nodes to make sure that there is no other disease, and in the case of inflammation, it is better to consult a doctor.

These small, slightly inflamed swellings that sometimes appear on the neck, when we have a cold for example, are called lymph nodes. They are essential for our body and act as a filter of tissue fluid (lymph). They are shaped like an almond, just over a centimeter, and occur in small clusters on the neck, armpits, groin, chest and abdomen.

What is the function of the lymph nodes?

inflammation of the lymph nodes.  consult a doctor if in doubt

In general, we can describe their functions as follows:

  • They act as a filter for the lymph which they rid of foreign substances, such as bacteria and cancer cells, by destroying them.
  • They produce white blood cells, like lymphocytes and blood plasma cells, which are responsible for destroying foreign bodies.
  • The lymphatic system has a structure similar to that of blood vessels.
  • They protect our immune system.
  • Lymph nodes come in different shapes and sizes. For example, those under the mandible are flat and have the shape of a bean of about a centimeter. Those on the back of the neck are about half a centimeter in length and are shaped like a lens. The ganglia in the groin are elongated in shape and measure a little over a centimeter and a half.

Why does inflammation of the lymph nodes occur?

Lymph nodes can become inflamed for many causes. Since their main function is to protect our immune system, they are sensitive to any changes. This may be due to causes of little importance or to more serious causes, such as cancer, for example. But let’s see in more detail the possible causes of inflammation:

  • Common infections from colds, flu , tonsillitis
  • Specific bacterial infections: syphilis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis
  • An infection caused by lupus
  • A disease caused by a virus, such as rubella or measles
  • Infections caused by other pathogens such as malaria or leishmaniasis
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes due to certain drugs: perchlorates, cotrimoxazole, hydantoin
  • The stress , poor sleep, improper diet, lack of nutrients

The lymph nodes can sometimes become inflamed because of lymphoma, or because of tumor diseases, most of which respond to the action of treatment, such as benign (non-cancerous) neoplasms. However, it should be remembered that the risk of developing what are called malignant lymphomas remains, and any changes that occur in us and any symptoms that arise should be supervised by a doctor.

The first appreciations on the lymph nodes

Obviously our doctor will make a diagnosis and will tell you what measures to take. However, it will always ask you questions relating to certain aspects which are as follows:

  • Have you recently had a cold or the flu?
  • Where is the inflamed node located? On the neck, in the armpit, on the collarbone?
  • When did you first notice it?
  • Did it appear all of a sudden or did it gradually get bigger?
  • Is it painful?
  • What illnesses have you had before?
  • Do you take medication ?
  • Have you been on a trip recently?
  • Have you lost weight?

All these elements will allow him to assess whether our immune system is still weakened. Because often the inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs during a previous disease. Sometimes this inflammation can be due to the taking of a drug or the presence of a bacterium… Thanks to your collaboration and the relevant examinations, the doctor will be able to explain to you the cause of the inflammation.

Information to take into account

Most of the lymph node inflammation is located on the neck. And their origin almost always corresponds to infections of the neck or mouth. They are usually not very serious. However, care must be taken about the size of the nodes: when they exceed four centimeters, a biopsy must be taken.

Also, keep in mind that the lymph nodes on the neck are usually harmless. But those that are located on the collarbone, regardless of their size, are still considered dangerous. They need to be treated quickly because they are usually cancerous.

How to stay ahead of problems and preserve our lymph nodes

how to prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes

One of the key measures to prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes as much as possible is without a doubt to strengthen our immune system. For this, it is important to consume the following foods:

Vitamin C

Essential to the immunological system, vitamin C fights against infections and viruses, it protects our cells, etc. It is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, mangoes, tomatoes, etc.

Vitamin E

It increases the production of white blood cells, thus protecting us from cancer and bacteria. It is present in most fruits and vegetables, and in dried fruits such as nuts, pistachios, almonds

Foods rich in beta-carotene

They have antioxidants, they fight against free radicals and strengthen our defenses. It is essential to consume carrots, corn, watermelon, red cabbage, beets, asparagus, apricots …

Selenium and zinc

They allow us to make more cells by providing energy to our immune system. What products contain selenium and zinc? Very simple: whole grains, Brazil nuts, most dried fruits, seafood, soy, etc.

If you happen to notice inflammation of the lymph nodes, stay calm. And remember that in 50% of cases it is due to benign causes. But it is always better to rely on the doctor’s diagnosis!

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