Breast Nodules: Why Do They Appear?

Have you ever felt lumps in your breasts? Have you ever wondered why they appear or what they are all about? Do not worry ! It is most likely a mild illness.

Breast cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases for women of all ages. It is therefore not surprising that some people get alarmed at the sight of lumps or nodules in the breasts. However, in most cases, they are mild. But why do they appear? We will explain everything to you in the rest of this article.

First of all, it is important to clarify that breasts are made up of different types of tissue. So, we can find glandular, fatty and connective parts, so it is common to feel lumps or bumps without any alteration in the breast.

What are breast nodules?

This is a frequent cause for concern in gynecological consultations, because the palpation of a nodule arouses intrigue and concern. Breast nodules are deep lesions whose texture is different from that of the surrounding tissue and whose diameter is variable.

In addition, this lesion does not show any change throughout the menstrual cycle and generally generates an asymmetry with respect to the contralateral breast. Sometimes the bumps can be painful and accompanied by some kind of discharge from the nipple.

Many people associate lumps with breast cancer. However, studies have shown that in over 80% of cases, they are benign. Many of them can even be caused by hormonal changes produced by the menstrual cycle or during breastfeeding.

A woman palpating her breast.
Although breast pain can accompany the existence of a lump, it is not an immediate sign of cancer.

Types of breast nodules

Today, there are many diseases capable of generating this type of breast lesions. However, to facilitate their study, it is convenient to divide them into two groups: the benign and the malignant.

Benign nodules

Benign breast lumps are those that have a low risk of developing breast cancer or are not indicative of disease. In this sense, we find on palpation a mobile lump, with defined edges, soft, painful and with little alteration of the skin.

Among the most common causes of this type of injury are the following:

  • Menstruation-related alterations
  • Breast abscesses
  • Adenofibroma
  • Breast cysts
  • Intra-duct lipomas and papillomas
  • Mammary duct ecstasia

Malignant nodules

In most cases, malignant breast nodules are formed from benign lesions that have become malignant, thus generating carcinoma. Thus, on palpation, the lump will be hard, with jagged edges, immobile, not painful, and with changes to the skin or nipple.

This type of mass is more common in women of almost 40 years and in their presence, several additional examinations must always be carried out for a correct diagnosis. It could be a breast ultrasound, mammogram, or biopsy.

Possible causes of breast nodules

We have mentioned some of the pathologies that can generate this type of injury. However, it’s time to dig deeper into the 3 most common causes. All require a medical approach.

1. Breast abscesses

This pathology is common in young pregnant or breastfeeding women. Breast abscesses appear as very painful masses with local inflammatory changes. Thus, the area may be red, enlarged, and warm to the touch.

The lesion is the result of a bacterial infection and usually begins with mastitis. When not treated with antibiotics, superinfection occurs and purulent fluid accumulates, which leads to abscess.

Treating breast abscesses is no different from treating abscesses that appear in other parts of the body. In this sense, depending on their size, the fluid they contain can be drained. Although they are very painful, their evolution is favorable and generally disappears within a few weeks.

2. Breast cysts

Cysts are the most common cause of lumpiness in the breasts. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of women have it. This type of malformation is common in young people between the ages of 20 and 40. Although its cause is not well determined, there is a hormonal influence.

These are accumulations of liquids contained in a capsule of soft consistency, mobile, of variable size and which can become bilateral. Unlike breast abscesses, the fluid will not be infected, so there will be no inflammatory changes.

Some breast cysts can be painful and cause mastalgia during menstruation. Although there are no studies that link this alteration to the risk of suffering from breast cancer, is it advisable to carry out constant monitoring?

At present, there is no specific treatment for this lesion. If the cysts are very uncomfortable or are large in size, the specialist may recommend draining them, but they may come back.

3. Adenofibroma

Adenofibroma is a benign lump that forms when the mammary gland grows irregularly. It is often mistaken for a malignant lump because it is hard, painless, mobile, and can grow over time.

Three types of adenofibromas are described: simple, complex and giant. The first are tumors of less than 5 centimeters in which all the cells that constitute it have similar characteristics. In other words, there is no risk of malignancy.

On the other hand, complex adenofibromas exhibit a certain degree of cellular atypia, i.e. cells have started to vary with respect to each other. However, according to the American Cancer Society, the risk of developing carcinoma from this breast tumor does not increase significantly.

Finally, giants are those that exceed 5 centimeters in diameter. In most cases, this type of bump goes away over time. Only constant monitoring will be necessary to detect any change in size.

In extreme cases, when the fibroadenoma is too large or bothersome, surgical removal may be performed. However, like breast cysts, they can recur.

A mammogram in a woman.
Complementary imaging methods are possible.

Recommendations in the presence of a breast nodule

As you can see, just feeling a lump in the breast does not mean cancer. It is most likely a benign lump that is not life threatening. However, it is important to go to the doctor and do all the appropriate tests to get an accurate diagnosis.

In addition, all women should have a breast self-exam at least once a month. This will be the only way to know the anatomy of the breasts so that any abnormalities can be detected in time.

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