Millet And Cinnamon Water, A Remedy To Cleanse The Arteries

It is very important to acquire millet seeds suitable for human consumption, because not all are and do not have the same properties. Also, to clean the arteries, we need to take care of our diet.

A diet high in saturated fat can lead to increased cholesterol levels and clogged arteries. It  is therefore imperative to improve eating habits while following the doctor’s instructions. However, natural preparations can be included in the daily diet, such as millet water and cinnamon.

In this case, eating healthy means reducing the consumption of saturated fat, choosing more natural and fresh foods, rich in fiber (such as vegetables, vegetables and fruits), minimizing the consumption of salt and sugar, eat lean, skinless meats and drink enough water throughout the day.

What are arteries?

Arteries are the  vessels responsible for transporting blood through the human body.  Among the dangerous consequences of their obstruction is poor pumping of blood to the heart. It is essential to prevent this, as the consequences can be fatal.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Dizziness
  • Water retention
  • Tired

What are the causes of blocked arteries?

millet water and cinnamon

Among the most obvious factors, we find first of all high cholesterol levels, hypertension, diabetes and stress.  Obesity and smoking can also promote the onset of this problem.

Arteries can become blocked by several factors, although the most important is usually diet. An unhealthy diet (high in sugar, salt, and trans and saturated fats) will raise cholesterol levels  and can lead to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, obesity, and other health problems.

On the other hand, chronic stress, smoking, alcoholism are common (and important) risk factors to consider.

What are the ways to prevent clogging of arteries?

To avoid clogging your arteries, the best thing to do on a daily basis is therefore to eat a balanced diet , exercise (at least 30 to 40 minutes a day)  and avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Experts from the Spanish Heart Foundation also provide the general public and patients with cardiovascular diseases with a decalogue for leading a healthy life that can serve as a reference.

Some consider that they can include natural preparations in their diet, such as the drink that we will present below, millet water and cinnamon.

Millet and Cinnamon Water Recipe

millet water and cinnamon

Millet seed intended for human consumption is a food that has recently been included in the diet of patients with diabetes and hypertension. There is indeed a hypothesis that it can contribute to the regulation of glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood.

One way to use it is by making a drink, commonly known as “millet seed cinnamon water”. It is a homemade vegetable drink, with no added sugars.

Although there is not enough evidence that millet seeds can contribute to health in the terms previously stated, there is some evidence that cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar. So this is what would be beneficial for blocked arteries.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation also indicates that cinnamon contains protein, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium, vitamins B6, C, phenols and aldehydes.

To prepare the water from millet seeds and cinnamon you will therefore need.


  • ½ tablespoon of millet seeds (7 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • ½ cinnamon stick

How to do ?

  • Boil the water in a saucepan.
  • When it boils, lower the heat a little, add the millet seeds and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then add the cinnamon, bring the water to a boil again and  boil for another 10 minutes. 
  • Then remove the infusion from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Finally, serve and consume.

You should drink millet and cinnamon water in moderation throughout the day and always as a complement to a healthy lifestyle. Never as a substitute for main meals or as a substitute for medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Once again, we remind you that for any cardiovascular problem you have, the best thing you can do is always consult your doctor and follow their instructions. The drink we mentioned can only be a supplement.

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