How To Overcome Fatigue?

Good rest is essential, as is a good breakfast of dried fruits, cereals, and proteins to give our body the energy necessary to face the day.

At certain times of the year we may feel more tired. The daily routine is then heavier. Sometimes there is a concrete reason, but it is often difficult to find the cause. It is then necessary to overcome fatigue.

In this article, we will introduce you to some natural remedies to overcome fatigue. But also medicinal supplements to regain our vitality.

Do you sleep well?

You may be tired because you don’t sleep well at night. The most important thing is to sleep according to the rhythm of the sun.

Biological rhythms are essential for the body to rest and recover. Indeed, according to traditional Chinese medicine, some of our most important organs such as the liver, gallbladder or intestine, regenerate in the morning.

This is why if we are up or working at these hours, our sleep will not be restful.

In addition, we must keep in mind that to have a good rest, our dinner should not be too large or too late. Ideally, we should be done digesting by eleven o’clock in the evening.

For this, it may be interesting to adapt to the schedules of Central Europe. Indeed, they usually dine when we taste. If you are hungry before bed, you can always eat something light.

Finally, it is important to know if our room helps us to rest well. If the temperature is pleasant there, if it is dark enough, if we have turned off and unplugged electronic devices, etc.

Start with a good breakfast

a good breakfast to overcome fatigue

Many people start the day without eating anything. And yet, if our body gives us signs of fatigue, we should not deprive it of a food intake from the start of the day.

On an empty stomach, upon rising, the first thing to ingest is a glass of lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon, to thoroughly cleanse our body after the overnight fast.

Half an hour later, we can have breakfast which may consist of:

  • Fresh or dried fruits
  • Whole grains: oats, millet, wheat, corn kernels, bread cereals, etc.
  • Proteins: dried fruits, cheese, yogurt, egg.

In this article we will explain to you different types of breakfasts that provide us with the necessary energy and also help us lose weight.

Eat raw to overcome fatigue 

If we want to gain vitality, we must include daily raw foods in our diet, which are an important source of vitamins and minerals.

You can have natural juices, smoothies, gazpacho and various salads. They are perfect for having more energy and thus overcoming fatigue.

You can also use the sprouts of seeds and vegetables which are very nutritious. We can buy them or better, prepare them, by wetting seeds and leaving them in a slightly damp container for a few days, until the root comes out.

Then we can eat them in salads, omelets, as a garnish, etc.

salad with cheese

Energy supplements to overcome fatigue 

When choosing a supplement that gives us energy, we should keep in mind that many of them are stimulants and they may make us feel less tired temporarily, but in reality they treat the problem, not the cause.

However, there are other supplements that help us overcome fatigue thanks to their nutritional values, without affecting our nervous system. These are the following:

  • Pollen  : pollen is very nourishing, it slightly increases blood pressure and is ideal for small appetites. It is important to grind it in order to be able to absorb it properly.
  • Honey  : honey is also an excellent energy food and all the more effective when mixed with cinnamon. This combination is delicious, it improves our defenses and it also helps improve our vitality.
  • Spirulina  : this algae is used more and more for its many therapeutic properties. It should be consumed daily with meals.
  • Oats  : this cereal is very energetic and suitable for people who lack energy or suffer from transient depression, since it regulates the nervous system.
  • Maca  : Maca is a very energetic tuber that also promotes hormonal regulation and increases our libido. Start with small doses because it can make some people a little nervous.
  • Wheat germ  : this supplement is rich in vitamins and minerals. Take a teaspoon per day every morning.
  • Noni  : Although it helps to relax, this fruit also helps fight fatigue.
  • Brewer’s yeast: this supplement is excellent for remineralizing our body and improving the condition of our skin, hair and nails.

Images of Chinkerfly, Blue moon in her eyes

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