How To Prevent Nail Fungus?

Although it may seem obvious to you, good foot hygiene and good shoes are two key elements in preventing the proliferation of fungi. We also have to be careful not to keep our feet wet for too long.

Also known as onychomycosis, nail fungus is very common and mainly affects the feet.

It is caused by microscopic parasites, which proliferate in damp areas and when it is very hot.

Nail fungus is not very aesthetic because it causes changes in the color, shape and texture of the nails.

In the most serious cases, they can lead to the complete destruction of the affected nail, which can have terrible consequences. That is why it is so important to prevent their occurrence.

Keep your feet clean and dry

Having clean, dry feet is the rule of thumb to prevent the onset of fungi, as they thrive in damp, dark places.

It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle. We advise you to use a neutral pH soap or shower gel to avoid irritating the skin and weakening its natural defenses.

You should also sprinkle them with antibacterial talc and change your socks as soon as you do physical activity.

Keep in mind that this will also help you avoid athlete’s foot, a phenomenon that results from the development of fungus between the toes.

This disorder is particularly troublesome because it causes severe itching and bad odors.

Also, remember to dry your hands and feet well after washing, or whenever you do something that makes you sweat more than usual.

It is perfectly normal to sweat on your feet and hands, but you should not neglect to eliminate the sweat well. Remember to thoroughly dry the space between your toes and fingers.

This is an area that we often tend to forget, although it is this area that is the most conducive to the development of fungi.

Trim your nails regularly

It is a foolproof method to prevent the development of a yeast infection and the appearance of other ailments of the same type. Keep your nails very short, straight and always dry.

When cutting them, avoid making them irregular in shape, and remember to trim the corners that we sometimes overlook.

This will prevent them from getting into the skin, a condition we know as ingrown toenail, which is very painful and extremely bothersome.

You must also clean and disinfect all the tools you will use to perform your manicure or pedicure. You should not, under any circumstances, share them with other people.

Nail fungus is very contagious. If you use a contaminated nail clipper, you will quickly develop this problem.

If you have no other option, clean this utensil with alcohol to disinfect it.

Wear shoes in public places

Remember to wear shoes in all public places such as beaches, gyms, swimming pools, saunas or public baths.

If you walk barefoot, you will quickly get a yeast infection.

Public places are not as clean as we might think.

Wearing open or closed shoes is therefore an excellent solution to keep your feet clean, but also to avoid cutting yourself.

We recommend that you have a suitable pair of shoes for each place you visit regularly. Sneakers for the gym and sandals for the beach, for example.

Wear comfortable shoes

Fungi tend to grow in parts of the body that are under great pressure.

To prevent nail fungus, it is therefore essential to wear comfortable shoes, which leave enough room for the foot to breathe.

It is also important to wear breathable socks. Try to ventilate your shoes well every night when you get home. But also not to share your socks with other people, in order to prevent any contagion.

If your shoes get wet, dry them well before using them again. They should not turn into a breeding ground for bacteria.

Use talc

The use of specific products, such as talc, is excellent for reducing the humidity of the feet.

Talcum powder should be used with a cream, to keep the feet well hydrated and to prevent the appearance of sores.

In this way, in addition to preventing the proliferation of fungi, you will also prevent bad odors.

We advise you to use it every day, especially if you wear tight shoes, but remember it even when you wear open shoes. It is a question of hygiene.

Use antifungal creams

Using and applying antifungal creams and lotions topically is a great way to prevent the onset of nail fungus.

They will also allow you to treat any infections that may be developing on your feet. 

Do not forget to consult your doctor if you suffer from nail fungus, so that he can recommend a cream suitable for your problem.

The appearance of fungus on the feet is a nightmare, both for women and for men. This is not just a cosmetic problem, as it can lead to more serious disorders.

An infection caused by these fungi can have a dangerous impact on people who have diabetes. Or even other diseases of the same type.

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