Tips For Keeping Your Children’s Hair Healthy

Children’s nutrition is very important. This allows them to have beautiful, resistant hair and rapid growth.

Children’s hair tends to change a lot over time. During the breastfeeding stage, it is common for them to have little, but in no time, their hair becomes much thicker.

It is therefore necessary to take the best care of your children’s hair, so that they grow in good health, and that they are beautiful and resistant.

In addition, from the early years, you should teach your children the basic rules so that they know how to take care of them, especially girls, who usually have longer hair.

Hair is not only an element of beauty, but it also needs hygiene and care that should be learned as early as possible.

In the rest of this article, we’ll give you some simple rules for your children’s hair to grow healthy.

1. Features of children’s hair growth

Do not worry if your baby boy or girl was born with little hair and is not growing fast, as this is normal.

Each child has their own hair growth and the only thing to do is to patiently deal with the pain.

It is common that at 3 years old, the hair completely covers the head of the child and that it is shiny, even sometimes even wavy.

However, you should know that the hair with which babies come into the world is not final.

That is, there are many children who are born with extremely light blond hair, but who darken with the years.

This phenomenon also occurs with the eyes. It is very common, for example, for children to be born with eyes of a bluish or dark gray tone.

This color changes frequently around 8 or 9 months, and the child then takes on the color of eyes that he will have all his life.

The reason for these characteristics?

In babies, melanin-producing cells are not yet mature, and therefore cannot consolidate the final tones of hair and eyes, which genetic inheritance has determined.

2. Nutrition that keeps children’s hair growing healthy

banana snoothie for your children's hair

As you know, children need a varied, balanced diet that is very rich in protein and vitamins.

Now, what nutrients can help children’s hair grow quickly and in a healthy way?

Vitamin B (biotin) is essential for promoting hair growth, and it is of great importance during the first years of life.

Even though we all have a different genetic code that will determine how much hair we will have, getting the correct nutrition is vital to stimulate hair growth.

So, don’t forget to include the following foods in your children’s diet:

  • Eggs
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Cheeses or yogurts
  • Lawyers
  • Raspberries
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Tomatoes

Caring for your children’s hair

child scratching his hair

Do children need the same care as we do for their hair?

How can we help them to have beautiful, resilient hair?

We invite you to put into practice the following tips, which will certainly make your day-to-day life easier.

1. How often should I wash my child’s hair?

There is no need to wash children’s hair every day, as it will dry out them. The ideal is to shampoo every other day.

However, everything will depend on the activity of the child. If he is very nervous and sweats a lot, it is important to wash his hair more often.

Remember to always use hypoallergenic products that respect their natural pH.

2. Hair that is difficult to disentangle

It is common for little girls’ long hair to be full of knots and difficult to style.

It is therefore important to style them two to three times a day, because this stimulates hair growth and promotes blood circulation in the scalp, by oxygenating them.

Consider the following tips.

  • Coconut oil : You already know the great benefits of this oil for health and beauty, but you should know that it is an excellent conditioner for the hair.
    Just pour a few drops of coconut oil on the palms of your hands, then apply it to your children’s hair from roots to ends.
    Then untangle them using a wide tooth comb.
  • Lukewarm distilled water and conditioner : In a small bottle with a spray, first pour a little distilled water (which does not dry out the hair).
    Then heat it until it is lukewarm and mix it with a little conditioner of your choice.
    Shake the contents and sprinkle it on the child’s hair. This remedy will allow you to untangle them perfectly with the brush.
  • The apple cider vinegar remedy once a week : Just put 100 ml of water and 25 ml of apple cider vinegar oil in a small bottle with a spray.
    Apply the contents to damp children’s hair and leave on for 15 minutes. Then wash them off with your regular shampoo.

3. Do not use hair straighteners or hair dryers at high temperatures

In order to respect the natural health of your children’s hair, it is necessary not to use this type of aggressive device, as well as agents such as dyes, lacquers, gel etc.

The later you start these practices, the more you will protect their hair.

Also, do not forget that before going to sleep it is necessary to brush your hair well and remove any type of gels, headband or elastic, especially in girls.

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